
MOVIE-Lord Of The Unknown Tower
Pokemon Stadium Cheats
Surfing Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu Cheats
Pokemon Snap Locations
Snap Walkthru
Pokemon Puzzle League
Virtual Pikachu
MOVIE-Pikachu and Pichu
Yellow GameShark Codes
Pokemon Crystal
Red/Blue and Yellow Walthru Part 1
Red/Blue or Yellow Walkthru Part 2
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 1
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 2
Red And Blue GameShark Codes
MOVIE-Celebi: A Timeless Encounter
Gold/Silver GameShark Codes
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 3
Pinball GameShark Codes
MOVIE- Pikachu's Hide And Seek
1st MOVIE- Mewtwo Strikes Back
1st MOVIE-Pikachu's Summer Vacation
MOVIE-Revelation Lugia
MOVIE-Pikachu Tankenta
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 1

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You start out the game by setting the game's internal clock. After that Oak will explain the world of Pokémon again and then you will get to choose your name.
Your House:
Finally you'll start out in your room, head downstairs to have a talk with your mom. She'll give you your PokéGear. She'll also ask what day it is, and whether or not it is Daylight Savings Time or not. After that she will give you the option of where she'll keep some of your money for you when you win battles. That way, just in case you lose, you'll still have money at your house. Occasionally throughout the game, your mom will use some of the money she keeps to buy things for you which you can thing take out of your Computer anywhere in the game.
Professor Elm's Lab:
After all that talking and adjusting days and answering questions, head outside and go to the large building on the left. Once inside you'll meet the Pokémon Professor of the game. His name is Professor Elm and after a talk, he will let you choose one of three starting Pokémon: Chikorita the Grass Pokémon, Cyndaquil the Fire Pokémon, Totodile the Water Pokémon.
After choosing your starter Pokémon Elm will exchange Phone numbers, and tell you that the machine in the corner heals Pokémon. He'll also tell you to go find his friend, Mr. Pokémon. Next head outside and start exploring.
Cherrygrove City:
Next you'll want to try to find Mr. Pokémon. You'll pass through a town called Cherrygrove City to get to him. When you first enter Cherrygrove City talk to the old man. He will show you the town and then give you a Map card for your PokéGear.
Mr. Pokémon's House:
You'll eventually find Mr. Pokémon's house since one of the paths is blocked by two battling trainers. Mr. Pokémon will introduce himself and then Professor Oak will talk to you and give you an upgraded version of the Pokédex. Oak then leaves to go do his very popular radio show. You'll take a rest, and when you exit the building Elm calls you on the phone and tells you to come back to New Bark Town, something has happened!
Your Rival:
Someone has stolen one of Elm's Pokémon, and just your luck it's the one that has the advantage over yours. Well, it looks like you just found your new rival.
New Bark Town again:
Head back and talk with Professor Elm to see what was going on. You'll then name your Rival. On your way out of the Lab, the Scientist at the bottom will give you 5 Pokéballs.
When you exit the city 'Dude' will want to show you how to use your new Pokéballs to catch Pokémon.
Violet City:
After battling and capturing some of the new and old Pokémon you'll be ready to take on the local gym leader, Falkner. He uses bird Pokémon and is not difficult to defeat.
Once you beat Falkner he will give you the Zephyr Badge. The Zephyr Badge raises your Pokémon's attack power. It will allow you to use Flash anytime. Falkner also gives you TM31, Mud-Slap. After defeating Falkner, Professor Elm will call you and tell you that they have found out something about he Mysterious Egg you gave to him earlier. A Scientist will show up in the Violet City PokéCenter. Talk to him and he will give you the Pokémon Egg but you must have one slot open for it in your Pokémon lineup.
The Egg will hatch after you walk so many steps and turn into Togepi. There is a man blocking the most southern exit of this town and if you don't get Togepi you can't get through. There's also a house in Violet that you can trade a Bellsprout for an Onix. The level will depend on what level your Bellsprout is because whenever you trade a Pokémon to a person in the game, their Pokémon will be the same level as yours.
Sprout Tower:
In Violet City head north to find the Sprout Tower. You'll encounter Sages with Bellsprout and the occasional Hoothoot. At the top your Rival beats the head Sage and runs off after talking to you. Defeat the Sage and he will give you HM05, Flash.
Next you can head west of Violet City and run into a cave entrance. Inside will be a puzzle that you have to put together.
Once you discover it was Kabuto, the floor will drop out and down you will fall into the cave below. Inside are a bunch of Pokémon called Unown. They have no gender, but they do have many different shapes. Don't get confused though, they all have the same Pokédex entry. To unlock more shapes you will have to surf, strength, break rocks, towards the 3 other entrances to the cave (Like the Kabuto one where there is a puzzle to solve.) You can find them by surfing on the Lower Level of Union Cave. You need Strength to get two of them. After you solve all the puzzles go into the cave and catch 3 different Unown shapes. Exit the cave and a Scientist will upgrade your Pokédex for you. Now after you catch a Unown shape it will be recorded under here and you can take a look to see which ones you have by pressing Select while in the Pokédex and then choosing the last option.
After collecting all 26 Unown, talk to the scientist again and he will let you print out your Unown shapes. When looking in this part of the Pokédex you will notice that every Unown make up a different letter of the English Alphabet. Next you'll encounter a lone PokéCenter in Route 32. Inside is a Fishing Guru, talk to him and you'll get yourself an Old Fishing rod. On Friday, right above the PokéCenter, "Frieda Friday" will appear. All throughout the game are scattered her brothers and sisters, and they will only appear on certain days. They will give you items that you can attach to your Pokémon to make their attacks stronger. Continue on and you'll pass through a cave with Trainers and rock Pokémon inside. If you look on Friday nights you can find Lapras deep within the cave if you have Surf. Inside Union Cave you can find TM 39, Swift. It's on the Lower Level of Union Cave. You don't need Surf, Cut, or any other HM to get to it.
Azalea Town:
After exiting the tunnel you'll find Team Rocket guarding a well and the local Gym. Team Rocket has kidnapped all the Slowpokes from the town. First you'll need to talk to Kurt in the house right above the Gym. He'll move the Rocket member guarding the well. Next it's your turn to defeat the Rocket members. Once defeated, the Gym will open and you'll be able to fight Bugsy.
Later after you get HM 04, Strength, return to Slowpoke Well and go to the Lower Level. Here you'll find the King's Rock which will evolve Slowpoke or Poliwhirl when you attach it to them and trade them to another Game Boy. You can also find TM 18, Rain Dance.
After defeating the Rocket members in the well, Kurt will take you back to his house and give you a Lure Ball. Lure Balls are used to catch Pokémon hooked by a Rod. He'll also make more special Pokéballs from Apricorns that you can get from plants scattered throughout the Johto region. The plant behind his house will give you White Apricorns, and they are then made into a Fast Ball. Fast Balls are used to catch fast Pokémon.
Azalea Gym:
Bugsy uses 3 Bug Pokémon. So if you chose Cyndaquil as your starter Pokémon you will really have the advantage, especially against Scyther. Bugsy will give you the Hive Badge which lets all Pokémon up to level 30 obey you and lets your Pokémon use Cut outside of battle. He also gives you TM49, Fury Cutter.
Hey, your Rival is back. This time it won't be as easy as the first time. You'll encounter your rival right on the edge of Azalea Town when you try to leave.
By now, The Egg should've hatched into Togepi.
Ilex Forest:
After you leave the previous city you'll enter a forest. You'll see a man standing near a cut-able bush. Talk to him and he'll tell you that his boss's Farfetch'd got away.
After him you will see the Farfetch'd by itself. Chase it around until it reaches the man by the cut-able bush. Talk to the new man and he will give you Cut. Now Cut that cut-able bush to get passed the only one Blocking your path. A new feature in Gold/Silver is that you can just go up to the bush, press A, and it will get cut down if you have a Pokémon with Cut in your lineup. The same goes for Boulders, and that Tree that will come up later. Inside the Ilex Forest Maze is a guy who will give you TM02, Headbutt. Headbutt lets you bash the little trees that are everywhere in the game, revealing sleeping Pokémon
during the day. After cutting the bush that is right before the shrine dedicated to the Forest's protector which is Pokémon #251 Celebi, you'll wind through the Forest path until you come to a connecting gate.
Goldenrod City:
Inside is a girl who will give you TM12, Sweet Scent. It will attract Pokémon to you outside of battle. Once you exit this place, you'll come to Route 34. Amongst the trainers is a Daycare/Breeding Center. Just below Goldenrod City is a house with an old man and woman inside. Talk to the man and he will take one of your Pokémon to level up and talk to the woman and she will do the same. It will cost 100 bucks to take them out, and 100 PokéDollars each level the Pokémon rises. To breed Pokémon you must give the old man a Male Pokémon and give the old woman a Female Pokémon or vice-versa that have the same little icon or sprite. Or they must be compatible at breeding. Then exit the building and go walk around for a little while. Come back when you see the man standing outside with your two Pokémon. Talk to him and answer yes, he will give you an Egg.
If you put in Pokémon of different kinds, for example Pidgey and Hoothoot, the resulting egg will be the same species as the female Pokémon and with an Attack that the Male had. Just think of the strange combinations.
Goldenrod City Gym:
Goldenrod City is pretty big. The local PokéMart is like the Celadon Department Store. There's plenty to do, but let's get down to business. All the trainers use Normal Pokémon in the Goldenrod City Gym. Right before Whitney there is a trainer who likes to use Jigglypuff, 3 to be exact. So you might want to stop at the PokéCenter to wake up any Pokémon before taking on Whitney. Whitney can be challenging. If you caught a Geodude or Onix earlier, now is the time it would come in handy. Whitney won't give you the Plain Badge at first because she will start crying. Talk to the trainer below her then talk to Whitney again. She'll stop crying and give you the Plain Badge. It will let your Pokémon use Strength outside of battle and it boosts your Pokémon's Speed. She'll also give you TM45, Attract.
Radio Tower:
In the radio station at Goldenrod, there is someone at the far end of the counter. She has a five question quiz for you. Answer yes, yes, no, yes, no. You'll get a Radio Card for your PokéGear. Right to the left of the girl who gave you the quiz is someone who will check to see if your ID is the same as the Lucky Radio Station's. If it is you can win prizes, a Masterball perhaps? The Game Corner in Goldenrod City requires the coin case like in the previous versions. In Goldenrod are two buildings that have an underground tunnel that connect to each other. There are a few trainers there, but if you find a PokéBall down there, it'll contain the coin case. Now you can take your case and go gambling. Also, there's a bike shop in Goldenrod, just talk to the guy and he'll give you a free bike. Also in the Underground Path is a Pokémon Salon. Depending on the day, you can groom your Pokémon which will make it happy. In the Goldenrod City Department Store a lady on the 5th floor will give you a TM on Sundays depending on how your Pokémon like you. If they like you she'll give you TM 27, Return. It'll do more damage the more your Pokémon like you. However, if they don't she'll give you TM 21, Frustration. It'll do more damage the more your Pokémon dislike you. Before the National Park (Route 35), there is a path through the grass you can take to find TM 04, Rollout.
National Park:
On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, the National Park holds a Bug Catching Tournament. To enter you have to talk with one of the guys standing by the doors of either entrance (North of Goldenrod is the first you come to). You can only take one Pokémon with you to battle the wild Bug Pokémon, the rest will be held for you until the contest is over. The contest is free, and you'll get 20 Park Balls to capture the Pokémon. However, if you press Start at anytime, the round will end once you go back to playing. Sunkern, Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Venonat, Pinsir, and Scyther are the Pokémon that I've seen in there. What's weird is that you can find level 17 Caterpie and Weedle. Whenever you catch more than one Pokémon in this contest, you'll be asked whether you want to switch it with the first one you caught. If not, your Pokédex will still record that you caught that Pokémon, you just won't get to keep it. You only get to keep one Pokémon from the contest, so all others will mysteriously disappear. To win the tournament you need to capture a high level Pokémon like Scyther since he is worth a lot of points. The 1st place winner gets the Sun Stone. Talk to the girl on the bench inside of the National Park and she'll give you Quick Claw. Quick Claw will usually let the Pokémon carrying it, attack first in battle.
Sudowoodo the Tree Pokémon:
After the third Gym there was a house right outside the gym. Inside the girl in red will give you a SquirtBottle to sprinkle on the tree. Sudowoodo doesn't like water, so it'll wake up and fight you. Remember there's only one, so be ready to catch it. Next head directly to the right and talk to the fat guy that you come in contact with. He'll give you TM08 which is called Rock Smash. This move will allow you to break certain rocks later in the game so don't lose it. On Thursdays in this area, right above where the fat guy is, Arthur will show up. He'll give you Hard Stone, which will increase that strength of Rock attacks. After clearing out Sudowoodo this task will be simple. There's a guy wanting to deliver a Spearow with Mail attached to a guy on Route 31. The guy with the Spearow is in the Route Change gate right after Goldenrod City. After getting TM 50, you can go back to the guy in the gate, and he'll give you a PP Up.
Ecruteak City:
After Sudowoodo you will reach Ecruteak City. You'll probably want to stop at the local PokéCenter to heal your Pokémon. When you do you'll meet Bill. He'll tell you he just finished fixing his Time Capsule. The Time Capsule will let you transfer Pokémon from older games, (Red, Blue, and Yellow) and transfer them to Gold or Silver. He tells you that you can't have any new moves from Gold and Silver or Pokémon when trying to use the machine. Then he'll leave and go back to Goldenrod City where he'll give you an Eevee if you talk to him again. After this, you can take on the local gym leader, Morty. It would have been handy to have a Kadabra by now.
Ecruteak City Gym:
There is a ghost floor surface which continually has you falling through, but to get to the other side, you must walk directly forward in front of a gym trainer, then walk directly left/right, but before reaching the edge, walk directly up in front of another trainer. The Gym Leader uses all Ghost Pokémon so a Psychic like Kadabra or Drowzee will come in handy here. Morty will give you the Fog Badge for winning. All Pokémon up to level 50 will obey you now and you'll be able to use Surf outside of battle. He will also give you TM 30, Shadow Ball.
Two more things to do here. Inside the town there are five Kimono Girls dancing on the stage. Each Kimono Girl has an Eevee evolution (two new ones, a Psychic one Espeon, and a Dark one Umbreon). If you defeat all five and talk to the man with the hat, he will give you HM03, Surf. Inside one of the houses, this guy will give you an Itemfinder.
Burned Tower:
Once you enter the Burned Tower your Rival will fight you. If you have that Kadabra, now is the time to use it. Once your Rival is defeated and leaves, it'll be time to explore the rest of the tower. I was playing at night, so I fought some Rattata, the occasional Gastly, Koffing, and Magmar! If you taught TM08 to one of your Pokémon, now it is time to use it. (Remember TM08 is given to you by the fat man that was looking at Sudowoodo - the wiggling tree.) Fight the trainer and you can fall down the hole in the middle. Go up to the stone statues and they will awaken, then scatter. These are the Three Legendary Beasts, Raikou (electric type), Entei (fire type), and Suicune (water type). You may run into them later on in the game (in the wild), so be prepared. Next head west to Route 38.
Inside the Burned Tower you can find TM 20 by breaking the rock on the right side. Then you have fall in the hole in the upper right hand corner. Then move a rock with strength and TM 20, Endure, is yours. Right in the corner of Route 38 and 39 is a Miltank farm. Unfortunately their prize Miltank will not produce milk. If you give it enough Berries it'll get better. There is a plant that gives Berries near the beginning of Route 38. If you talk to the owners after that they'll give you TM13. Not much else on Route 39, except two trainers with no Pokémon other than Pikachu.
Olivine City:
If you check out the local Gym your Rival will tell you that the gym is empty. Head to the house next to the PokéCenter. Talk to the Sailor on the right and he'll give you HM04.
Right above the PokéCenter is a house with a Fishing Guru inside. Talk to him and answer yes to his question and you'll get a Good Rod. On Mondays look for Monica in Olivine City. Talk to her and she'll give you Sharp Beak. When attached to a Pokémon it'll raise the power of Flying Attacks. Next head to the Lighthouse that is southeast in the town. Scale to the top battling trainers and you'll find Jasmine. She'll ask that you get some medicine for her sick Pokémon from a pharmacy in Cianwood. Well, not much else to do, so surf to Cianwood City. Cianwood City can be reached by surfing from Olivine City. You'll encounter a lot of Tentacool and Tentacruel on the way. Not to mention a few trainers.
Cianwood City: Gym:
Heal your Pokémon at the local Center then head off to fight the Gym Leader. To get passed the stones blocking your way, you must press the stones on the ends up using Strength. Then Press the middle stone to the left. Again, Kadabra comes in handy. Chuck will give you the Storm Badge for winning. Now Pokémon up to level 70 will obey you and you can use Fly outside of battle. He will also give you TM 01, Dynamicpunch. It will confuse the opponent if it hits. After beating Chuck, talk to the lady outside the gym to get HM02. There's a guy that will give you a Shuckle on Cianwood if you only bring 5 Pokémon with you. You can also catch wild Shuckle by breaking the rocks on Cianwood. By breaking the rocks there's always a chance a wild Pokémon will fight you.
Photo Studio:
There's a man in a house above the Gym that'll take a picture of one of your Pokémon and then print it out on your Game Boy Printer.
Stop by this house to get the medicine Jasmine needs for her sick Pokémon before flying back to Olivine. After receiving the medicine from the guy in sunglasses on Cianwood, go back to Jasmine at the top of the tower, give her the medicine, and she will go back to her gym.
Olivine City Gym:
Jasmine's two Magnemites shouldn't give you that much trouble, especially if you grabbed a Geodude earlier in the game. The new steel type Pokémon, Steelix, is five levels higher, but you should still be able to take it out. A Fire Pokémon can easily take all 3 of her Pokémon. Once you beat Jasmine, the Mineral Badge is yours. It raises your Pokémon's Defense, and she also gives you TM 23, Iron Tail.
Now proceed to PT2 of the Walkthru.

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