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Surfing Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu Cheats
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Snap Walkthru
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Virtual Pikachu
MOVIE-Pikachu and Pichu
Yellow GameShark Codes
Pokemon Crystal
Red/Blue and Yellow Walthru Part 1
Red/Blue or Yellow Walkthru Part 2
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 1
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 2
Red And Blue GameShark Codes
MOVIE-Celebi: A Timeless Encounter
Gold/Silver GameShark Codes
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 3
Pinball GameShark Codes
MOVIE- Pikachu's Hide And Seek
1st MOVIE- Mewtwo Strikes Back
1st MOVIE-Pikachu's Summer Vacation
MOVIE-Revelation Lugia
MOVIE-Pikachu Tankenta
Snap Walkthru

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The Walkthru:

Levels aren't in order. You can play in any order.

Level: Challenge Score:

Beach - 1,510,000 pts:
Doduo: Knock Doduo out with a Pester Ball and snap some pictures when it gets back up for special points.
Pikachu: The first Pikachu you encounter likes to go surfing. Throw some Pokémon Food towards the surfboard to lure Pikachu over to it. He'll hop onto the board giving you a nice photo-op.
Butterfree: Butterfree appear everywhere on the Beach level. The best shot you could probably get is with the first couple you see.
Snorlax: Snorlax will dance for you if you play your Pokéflute for him. Try different tunes because Snorlax will dance differently for each one.
Meowth: Right after Snorlax you will see a Meowth standing on top of the rocks. Throw a Pester Ball at him to knock him off. Play your flute while you go by to get a picture of dancing Meowth.
Scyther: After Meowth there's a bunch of tall grass on your left side. Chuck some Pester Balls into the grass until a mad Scyther comes out.
Pikachu: You have to coax Scyther out of his hiding place first. 2 Pikachus will come running out and jump on some tree stumps. Play your flute for some electrifying photos.
Chansey: You'll see Eevee chasing a pink ball around to your left. Throw a Pester Ball at the pink thing to uncover Chansey. Throw some apples for a better shot.
Eevee: After you uncover Chansey Eevee will stay put unless you throw some apples for it. A happy Eevee scores more points.
Lapras: Lapras will appear too far out in the ocean during the first part of the level. But that's OK, take pictures of them anyway. If you take pictures of all the Lapras you see, if you look to your right, right before the Kangaskhan, you'll be able to get a good picture of Lapras.
Kangaskhan Throw a Pester Ball or Apple at Kangaskhan to make it turn around and yell at you. Oak likes pictures of angry Kangaskhan. This one is about to eat its baby.
Pidgey: You'll see two Pidgey flying home to their nest after the Kangaskhan. But wait! There's a Meowth there. Snap some pictures of Pidgey performing Whirlwind on Meowth for special points. Magikarp: Magikarp loves Apples. Throw some in any water and he's sure to appear.

Tunnel - 1,510,000 pts:
Pikachu: Pikachu appears first on the Tunnel level. Snap a picture of him and he'll run to another spot. Snap another picture and he'll move again until eventually he kepts swept onto a Electrode.
Electabuzz: Electabuzz follows an Electrode around until it blows up and he gets in the way. A picture of this Electabuzz will score OK.
Kakuna: The blast of exploding Electrodes causes Kakuna to fall from the ceilings. The second to last Electrode will make a lot of Kakuna drop.
Electrode: An exploding Electrode fetches a good score with Professor Oak.
Zubat: After exiting the room with Electrodes and Kakuna a large door will open and a Zubat will fly toward you, making a good picture.
Pikachu: Pikachu is everywhere! This one can provide a good close up shot but he's useful for another purpose...
Zapdos: The previous Pikachu, like all Pikachus, use a lot of electricity when a Pokéflute is played. If Pikachu is close enough to the Zapdos egg, the egg will explode revealing Zapdos.
Haunter: You'll notice purple gas circling around in the room with Zapdos and in the next room near Pikachu and Diglett. Take a picture of the gas and when the film develops it'll be a picture of Haunter.
Magikarp: Right before the door to the next room after the one with Zapdos, if you look to your right there is a pool of water. Magikarp may jump out giving you a good picture.
Electabuzz: If you hatched Zapdos you'll see two Electabuzz walking around. Coax one of them over with an Apple to get a good picture. If you didn't hatch Zapdos, hit on of the Electabuzz with a Pester Ball and he'll walk over and perform an electrifying move.
Diglett: Diglett is hanging around his buddy Pikachu. You can get a good close up of him if you don't take a picture of him right off.
Dugtrio: If you do take a picture of Diglett right when you enter the room Pikachu will run to another spot. Another Diglett pops up. Take another picture of Diglett until Dugtrio pops up. If you continue taking pictures eventually 3 Dugtrios will pop out.
Magnemite Magnemite hates cameras. You'll have to throw some Apples for Magnemite before you can take a picture of it.
Magneton: Lure the three Magnemites together using Apples to form a Magneton.

Volcano - 1,510,000 pts:

Rapidash: Right when the level starts Rapidash will race by you. Try throwing apples to get the Rapidash to neigh for you.
Vulpix: Vulpix are scared of the Zero-One. You can get the first Vulpix to follow in front by throwing Apples for it. If you keep doing this you can coax the Vulpix all the way to the Volcano where they'll all do happy poses for you.
Magmar & Charmander: You can make these two fight if you throw an apple in between them. Magmar will scorch Charmander who then will evolve into Charmeleon right before your eyes!
Charmander: Don't knock the Moltres egg blocking your path. Throw an Apple towards the Charmander. He'll call his buddies over for a good group shot.
Moltres: Knock the Moltres into the lava with a Pester Ball or Apple to get Moltres to appear. For the best shot, wait til Moltres extends his wings.
Magmar: Right after the Moltres egg throw an Apple towards the Magmar to make them fight. Fighting Magmar scores big points.
Growlithe: After the Magmar off to your right you'll see 3 craters full of magma. Throw a Pester Ball into it to make a Growlithe jump out. Big points are awarded for pictures of Growlithe shaking off lava.
Arcanine: Arcanine appears at random from the craters that the Growlithe come from. Again, pictures of Arcanine shaking off hot lava.
Charmeleon: You'll see Charmeleon circling around a lava pit. Here you can get a good close up of him.
Charizard: Hit the previous Charmeleon into the lava to make him evolve into Charizard.

River - 1,510,000 pts:
Poliwag Throw some Pester Balls at the Poliwag at the beginning of the River stage. They'll run to the next Poliwag until all three are in a group. Throw another Pester Ball to make them all run down towards you making a very nice shot.
Bulbasaur Throw a Pester Ball at the first Bulbasaur you see, then coax another Bulbasaur out of the log with a Apple to get the two together.
Slowpoke After the Bulbasaur you'll see a Slowpoke sitting near the water's edge. You can get the Zero-One over close to him for a good shot.
Slowbro: Get the Slowpoke to walk over to the Shellder sign by throwing Apples towards it. Slowpoke will slowly turn around and then go fishing. A Shellder will latch on and he'll evolve into Slowbro.
Shellder: Right when you pass the first Slowpoke, Shellder will start popping out of the water. It's a little difficult to get a real good shot of them.
Vileplume: Right across the first Slowpoke you will see a sleeping Vileplume. Play your Pokéflute to wake up the Vileplume. Play different tunes to make it dance. The flipping Vileplume gives you the most points.
Metapod: Next you'll come across some Metapod hanging up high in the trees. Throw some Pester Balls at them to make them come down.
Psyduck: Right by the Metapod you can see a lone Psyduck swimming around some old tree stumps. Knock him out with a Pester Ball to make him go in a fit. If you knock down one of the Metapod you can have it block the Zero-One's path. This way you can spend all the time you want trying to get a good Psyduck picture.
Porygon: After the Metapod and Psyduck you can find two Porygon hiding in the walls. You can see them moving their noses around, throw a Pester Ball at them to make them come out. Hit them with another Pester Ball to make them reveal their true colors.
Cloyster: Cloyster will appear right after the Psyduck area. Use your dash engine to get up close for a better shot. If you do use the dash engine, it's possible to get two Cloysters in one shot.
Pikachu: Near the very end of the level you will see Pikachu on top of a log. Take a picture of him to make him run around. Speed Pikachu gives you 800 bonus points.

Cave - 1,510,000 pts:
Zubat: You'll see two Zubat flying at the beginning. If you take pictures of all the Zubats you see, you'll get to see three of them fly at you at the end.
Grimer: Take a picture of the first two Grimer you see in the cave. Right when you go into the next room there'll be a Grimer right below you.
Muk: Hit the Grimer that is right below you three times with Pester Balls to make it evolve into Muk. You can get a really close up shot with this Muk and not the one on the other side of the cave.
Bulbasaur: They're not really Bulbasaur but you can get all three together for a good shot.
Ditto: Hit the Bulbasaur with Pester Balls to uncover their true identities. You can get them together with apples for a good shot.
Koffing: After the Ditto you'll come into another room. You'll see a Koffing chasing a Jigglypuff. You can either hit him to get a funny shot or let him get close for a real close up shot.
Jigglypuff: Help all three Jigglypuff escape their Koffing tormentors to get a special picture at the end. Or you can get a real close up of the second Jigglypuff you save.
Magikarp: Like all of the levels, Magikarp shows up here too. There's a little pool of water where he'll pop up if you throw something into it.
Weepinbell: Weepinbell is circling a pool of water. It's not that hard to get a good shot.
Victreebel: Hit the Weepinbell into the water and it will evolve into a Victreebel.
Pikachu Help! Pikachu is being carried around by a Zubat. Throw Pester Balls at the Zubat to help release Pikachu from the Zubat's grips. Pikachu will float down to safely because of balloons that were tucked under its fur.
Jynx: Play your Pokéflute to make Jynx wake up and dance around.
Articuno: While you play your Pokéflute the Jynx will help awaken Articuno from its egg.
Jigglypuff Trio Like I said before, save all 3 Jigglypuffs and they'll be singing and dancing at the end. They'll get mad though if you play your own music.
Pikachu on Articuno: Pikachu on Articuno awards you the most bonus points out of all the Pikachu bonus pictures (2000 pts). First you have to save Pikachu from Zubat, and then awaken Jynx to hatch the egg. Keep facing backwards for the rest of the level. You should see Articuno pick up Pikachu and you can get a really close up shot.

Valley - 1,510,000 pts:
Squirtle: When you start off you'll notice shells floating in the water. Hit them onto dry land with some Pester Balls and Squirtle will pop out of his shell. Throw some Apples to get a better picture.
Magikarp: Magikarp is on every level except the Cave. You'll notice one peculiar Magikarp jumping in and out of the water near the beginning. If you hit him with a Pester Ball he'll pop out of the water and go towards Mankey. Mankey will hit him to another part of the level...
Geodude: Geodude are camera shy. You'll have to hit them down with Pester Balls to get a good shot.
Sandshrew: Sandshrew are also camera shy. If you knock down a Geodude, the impact will force a Sandshrew to pop out from the ground. Throw some Apples to get a couple Sandshrew together.
Sandslash: After the first 3 Geodudes you'll notice 2 more a little bit later. Hit them down with Pester Balls, the impact will force a Graveler to fall to the ground. His impact will force a Sandslash to pop out of the ground. Throw Apples to make Sandslash jump around.
Dancing Gravelers: After you fall down a steep incline of water, if you look to your left you'll see 3 Graveler clinging to the wall. Play your Pokéflute to make them jump off and dance. Try different tunes, each one makes them dance differently.
Gyarados: If you hit that Magikarp I told you about before you will see it fall from the sky by the Dancing Gravelers. Hit it with a Pester Ball and it will go flying into the nearby waterfall. It will then evolve into an angry Gyarados.
Staryu: You'll see 3 Staryu flying around after Gyarados. Snap their pictures quick, because the rapids will make you go by fast.
Starmie: If you snap Staryu's picture right when it's looking at you it'll get mad and start circling you. When you get to the base of the rapids they'll jump into the whirlpool and evolve into Starmie.
Dratini: Near the whirlpool there's a lot of Dratini jumping in and out of the water...
Dragonite: If there's so many Dratini by the whirlpool there must be something inside. If you throw 4 Pester Balls inside a Dragonite will pop out.
Mankey: After the Dragonite you'll see a Squirtle looking up at a Mankey. If you line it up right you can hit the Squirtle up to the Mankey with a Pester Ball. When you come around the corner you can get a good close up of Mankey.
Goldeen: Goldeen can be found anywhere in the stage by throwing Apples into the water. A good picture is sometimes hard to get because they're so fast.

Rainbow Cloud - 420,000 pts:
Mew: Once you take pictures of all the Pokémon Signs for Professor Oak the Rainbow Cloud stage will open up. Mew's force field will not allow you to take a picture of Mew, so you must throw Pester Balls or Apples at the force field about 6 times before it is destroyed. Mew will then pass you on either your left or right side chasing a new force field. To get a really good shot, hit Mew with a Pester Ball or Apple to make it spin around. Keep throwing Apples or Pester Balls until Mew gets into the middle of your path. If you time it just right you can get a really good picture like this one.