
MOVIE-Lord Of The Unknown Tower
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Virtual Pikachu
MOVIE-Pikachu and Pichu
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Pokemon Crystal
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Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 2
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MOVIE-Pikachu Tankenta
MOVIE-Lord Of The Unknown Tower

The 3 installment to the series. i haven't confirmed when it will be released yet.

The movie starts with a father talking to his 5-year old daughter, Mii. The man is reading a book, and telling her about what he does in his job, saying that his job is to find the mysterious Pokémon, Annon. He then shows her a picture of many Annon in his book. Mii looks through the book, and sees a picture of Entei, and says that Entei is her favorite Pokémon, saying that it reminds her of her dad. Her dad pretends to be an Entei, and lets her get on his back, and runs around with her. After they are done, the phone rings, so he picks it up. It ends up that he has to go to his work, and that he has to leave Mii again. Sadly, she starts to go to sleep, while her dad tucks her in, leaving the giant Mansion that they live in.

The dad then goes to the desert in a small cave, with many hieroglyphics depicting Annon. He gets out his computer, and starts taking pictures of each letter. He then sees a tile on the ground, which is a tile of an Annon. He picks it up and suddenly, the Annon appears next to him, then disappears, without him noticing. He then finds a whole box full of the tiles, opens it up, and grabs some tiles to be examined. Many Annon start to come to life, and take him into another dimension with them. His helper notices that he is gone, right after his Laptop PC drops to the floor, and only the Chest with the tiles is left.

Mii runs down the stairs, to greet her dad, but when she comes into the main room, she only sees her dad's helper. She hears what has just happened, and starts to cry. She takes his Computer into her room with the tiles, and looks at the pictures of Annon, then opens the chest. She starts to play with the pieces, and eventually spells out "Dad" with the pieces, and a teardrop falls on them, while she wishes that her dad would come back. Suddenly, the pieces start to come alive, and crystals start to grow from where Mii is sitting.

One of the servants tries to open the door, and does, but then the crystals block the doorway, making them all leave the house except for Mii. From the crystal, something starts to appear, which ends up being Entei. She is confused at first, but then when she hears Entei speak, she asks it who it is. He says that he is who she just wished for. She realizes that her dad has come back, as Entei, while the whole area around the mansion becomes Crystal.

While Ash and his friends are trying to get to the next gym, they stumble across a female trainer, with an Eipamu (Aipom). As usual, Brock goes up to her, and starts to flirt. Ash and the girl, whose name is Rin, decide to have a Pokémon battle.

Ash brings out a Totodile, while Rin brings out a Guranburu (Granbull), which Totodile Waterguns into a tree. Rin then brings out a Kirinriki (Girafarig), while Ash brings out Chikorita. Chikorita uses Vine whip, while the Kirinriki uses psychic, which hits Chikorita, knocking it out. Ash takes out a Yorunozuku (Noctowl), and Rin gets out her Eipamu. Yorunozuku eventually dives, and hits Eipamu, knocking it out. Ash takes out Bulbasaur to battle against a Butterfree, which she brings out. Butterfree uses Sleep Powder, then Gust to knock the Bulbasaur out. Ash then takes out a Cyndaquil, which Rin responds to by taking a Mankey, which Cyndaquil knocks out with a flamethrower attack after dodging a punch. For the final battle, it is Nuo vs. Pikachu. Pikachu tries to shock it, but it is unaffected. It hits Pikachu with a Water gun, but Pikachu recovers, and jumps from a high tree branch to head butt Nuo, knocking it out, and making Pikachu Dizzy. Ash wins!!

Ash, Misty, Brock, Rin, and their Pokémon are all out, eating Lunch. Ash asks if there is a Pokémon Center nearby, and she says that there is one in the Green Fields. Misty realizes that the Green Fields is the Number 1 spot for girls to go to, because of the beautiful flowers around the area. Of course, Brock wants to go, dreaming about all of the girls. After eating, they get to the Green Fields, but it is completely crystallized. Nearby, Jessie and James are looking upon the sight, and are not so sure that they should have followed Ash and Pikachu all the way over.

The crystal seems to be spreading, going further and further away from the tower. Ash's mom is also watching the sight, but on TV. She runs to Professor Oaks house, and asks Tracy and Professor Oak if they are watching the news. They are too, and they all decide to go over to the Green Fields. Professor Oak, and Ash's mom eventually meet up with Ash and the others, and Ash hugs his mom, because he hasn't seen her in such a long time.

Mii is also watching the scene on TV, and she wishes that she had a mom. Entei rushes from the tower, going all the way to the Pokémon Center where Ash and the others are, and goes up to Ash's mom, and hypnotizes her into thinking that she is Mii's mom. Pikachu grabs onto Entei, but he shakes Pikachu off. Entei goes back up into the crystal tower, and meets Mii, who thinks that Ash's mom is her mom, because she hasn't seen her in such a long time.

And..... I can't tell you the rest..... it will spoil it for you......