
MOVIE-Lord Of The Unknown Tower
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Surfing Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu Cheats
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Snap Walkthru
Pokemon Puzzle League
Virtual Pikachu
MOVIE-Pikachu and Pichu
Yellow GameShark Codes
Pokemon Crystal
Red/Blue and Yellow Walthru Part 1
Red/Blue or Yellow Walkthru Part 2
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 1
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 2
Red And Blue GameShark Codes
MOVIE-Celebi: A Timeless Encounter
Gold/Silver GameShark Codes
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 3
Pinball GameShark Codes
MOVIE- Pikachu's Hide And Seek
1st MOVIE- Mewtwo Strikes Back
1st MOVIE-Pikachu's Summer Vacation
MOVIE-Revelation Lugia
MOVIE-Pikachu Tankenta
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 3

Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 3

Here's the 3rd part of the long game.

The Six Trainers:
Misty's Gym is empty, so take the path North across Nugget Bridge towards where Bill's house was. You'll encounter 6 trainers who will challenge you to a fight, and give you a prize for winning. Once you get done with 6, there's a 7th... He said he wanted to fight you because you'd be tired. All he has a Porygon2 anyway, so he's not tough. After beating them all, you'll get a Nugget as a prize. Then the guy who gave you the Nugget will Battle you. Continue on toward where Bill was and you will find Misty romancing with someone. She'll run off back to her Gym after you see her.
Cerulean City Gym:
Misty is still using Water Pokémon of course. Her Starmie is the only Pokémon that makes a return, but this time it's levelled up pretty high. Misty's Pokémon can be easily taken out with a few Electric attacks. The only problem though is Quagsire who is Wooper's evolution. These strange creatures are immune to Electric attacks since they are part Ground, but a Grass attack should do the trick. After beating Misty she will give you her Cascade Badge and you should be on your way. Head to Lavender Town by going East from Saffron City.
When you're going South from Cerulean to get to Lavender, stop by the house that is at the bottom of a bunch of ledges. Talk to the old lady inside and she'll give you the Cleanse Tag. It will help keep wild Pokémon from attacking you.
Kanto's Radio Tower:
It looks like they converted the Tower into a Radio Tower to stay with the times.
First things first, talk to the man facing the wall with a black hat. He will thank you for turning the power back on at the Power Plant and give you a Expn Card that will allow you to tune your Radio to all radio stations in Kanto. The important station you will need later plays the PokéFlute. The Name Rater is still located in Lavender like he was in Red, Blue, and Yellow. Also the PokéMart has moved to next to the Pokémon Center for some reason... Oh well. Now the rest of the game you can do pretty much however you want. But I'll continue on to Celadon City. Before you go, head South of Lavender for a little bit, you'll come to a Fishing Guru's house. He'll give you a Super Rod after you answer Yes to his question. Also, if you go down a little further, there's a Pokéball with a Nugget inside.
Celadon City Gym:
Erika is still using her Grass type Pokémon. Erika is simple enough, Fire will burn down all of her Pokémon in a couple hits. After you beat Erika and earn her Rainbow Badge and TM 19, Giga Drain. Now you can head on to Fuchsia City by way of the Bike Path.
Fuchsia City Gym:
Koga is off as a member in the Elite Four so his daughter, Janine, has taken over his position as Fuchsia City Gym leader. She uses Poison and Bug type Pokémon so a Psychic and maybe a Electric type for her Flying Pokémon. Crobat is that bat Pokémon that Koga used in his Elite Four battle. Ariados is an evolved Pokémon that resembles an overgrown Spider. After beating her you will get her Soul Badge and TM 06, Toxic. Next time to head back to Vermilion City where an entrance to Diglett's Cave can be found. Behind a giant Snorlax.
Now that you've got your Radio Upgrade from Lavender Town's Radio Tower go to your PokéGear and go to your Radio slot. Push up to tune it to the PokéFlute station. Then exit the Radio and press A against Snorlax. You better catch this one, he can make a good Team Member. Battle it and put it to sleep, then throw a couple of Ultra Balls. Attached to Snorlax is an item called Leftovers. Leftovers will increase your Pokémon's HP after each attack turn is over.
Now you can enter Diglett's Cave since Snorlax is not blocking the cave anymore. Head inside, fight some Diglett or Dugtrio, then exit the other side heading for Pewter City.
Pewter City:
Once outside, visit the fat guy in the little house south of the exit. He'll give you a Nugget for talking to him.
Pewter City Gym:
Brock still uses Rock Pokémon but just to make it a little more interesting he has added a few Rock/Water combinations for you to struggle with. But don't worry, Hydro Pump can still take them out with no problem. If not, a good Grass attack should do nicely.
And for the other Pokémon: Water attacks. Brock will give you his Boulder Badge after you defeat him which will make your Pokémon even stronger. Now head East towards Mt. Moon.
Depending on which version you're playing, talk to this old guy in Pewter City before you leave. He'll give you the Silver Wing (Gold) which will allow you to catch Lugia. Or the Rainbow Wing (Silver) which will allow you to catch Ho-Oh.
It's your Rival again. This is the second last battle with your Rival, and now his Pokémon are leveled up.
Mt. Moon.:
On Monday nights, Mt. Moon will feature some dancing Clefairy. If you go up to them they will scatter. Go up to the rock they were dancing and you will find a Moon Stone.
There's really nothing more to Mt. Moon. It's very short now, compared to what it was like in Red, Blue, and Yellow. Inside you can find the rare Clefairy. Find a male and female and you can breed them at the Breeding Center for a Pre-Evolution Pokémon. Jigglypuff are outside Mt. Moon on either side. Find a male and female and you can breed them too for a Pre-Evolution Pokémon. If you're done with that, head back to Pewter then go all the way South. You don't need to stop by Viridian City. But if you do, there's a battling place you can train your Pokémon at (Info Below). Pallet Town is the same, not much use. So go to Cinnabar Island, or what used to be Cinnabar Island.
Once you surf to Cinnabar, talk to the only person there. It turns out to be Gary, and after he tells you a long and boring story, he'll fly away. Don't worry, you'll get to see Gary later.
Cinnabar Island Gym?:
The volcano on Cinnabar Island has erupted destroying the Gym. Blaine has relocated the Gym to Seafoam Island. Surf there to fight him.
Seafoam Islands:
Not much here to do, except for fighting Blaine. Blaine still uses Fire Pokémon but only uses 3 this time around. Not much strategy here, Hydro Pump or Surf can pretty much handle Blaine's Pokémon. After beating Blaine and grabbing his Volcano Badge, head to Viridian City.
Viridian City:
Trainer House:
There's an excellent place in Viridian City where you can level up your Pokémon and get some money. Inside the building next to the PokéMart, go downstairs and talk to the lady. Answer yes and you'll fight a trainer with the following Pokémon:
Meganium lv50, Typhlosion lv50, Feraligatr lv50.
You can only fight once a day though. After you get the Mystery Gift option to work and use it with a friend, the trainer will then turn into your Friend and have all their Pokémon to battle.
Viridian City Gym:
Looks like Gary has taken over Giovanni's Gym Leader position after he swore he'd give up Team Rocket. Blue uses Pokémon similar from the old versions, with references to the show as well. Gary's Pokémon may give you more challenge than previous Gym Leaders since he uses different types.
Pidgeot - lv56,
Alakazam - lv54,
Rhydon - lv56,
Gyarados - lv58,
Exeggutor - lv58,
Arcanine - lv58.
That shouldn't be difficult. After getting the Earth Badge from Blue, head back to Pallet Town.
Professor Oak:
After beating all 8 Kanto Gym Leaders, visit Professor Oak and he'll open up the path to Mt. Silver. Go to Viridian and take the Route toward Victory Road. Now it will let you in where the passages were being blocked by two guys. From here you can continue out the door to Silver Mountain or go to Indigo Plateau to fight someone that will be a lot easier than the final battle in Silver Cave.
Rival - Final Battle:
Rival is now quite hard, with all the strong Pokémon in his lineup.
Sneasel - lv45
Crobat - lv48
Magneton - lv45
Gengar - lv46
Alakazam - lv46
3rd Evo of Starter - lv50
Anytime after fighting your Rival at Mount Moon you can fight him again at Indigo Plateau right before you go up the stairs to the Elite Four. After beating your Rival you can go back to that door to the Silver Cave area to fight some pretty tough Pokémon.
Once you start walking through the grassy areas after the Victory Road door exit, you'll start to encounter some very high level Pokémon. There's a Pokémon Center out here in the middle of nowhere, but luckily, it will allow you to fly there later when you leave. To the right of the PokéCenter on Route 28 there are two cut-able bushes. After them is a house. Talk to the lady inside and she'll give you TM 47, Steel Wing, for talking to her.
Ash: The Greatest Battle of All Time!
There's different ways you can go throughout Silver Cave. But the only way I could go without a Pokémon with Waterfall was directly to Ash. Ash is really tough, so I suggest your Pokémon be at least in the high 60's if you wish to have even a slight chance.
Snorlax is Ash's most difficult Pokémon. However, if you have Haunter he would be really useful right about now, being totally resistant to Normal moves and all. Also, Haunter can take advantage of Snorlax always Resting by using Dream Eater.
Pikachu - Ash will usually send out Pikachu first. Even though he's level 81, Pikachu can be taken out easily with a couple strong attacks. Dugtrio or Sandslash could be quite useful here.
Espeon - can be very dangerous. Try using Sneasel or Tyranitar since Dark Pokémon are resistant to Psychic.
Blastoise - can be taken out with a good Electric attack like Thunder or Thunder Punch.
Charizard - can be taken out with a couple Hydro Pumps.
Venusaur - with a good Fire move or Psychic attack.
After that you win.
Ash leaves, credits roll, and you'll get the Game Over screen again. After this you can still play on and on and on. Ash will return eventually, so you can fight him again.
And that's Gold/Silver...... But......
There's plenty of Pokémon to find. So.... good luck with finding and trading Pokémon.