
MOVIE-Lord Of The Unknown Tower
Pokemon Stadium Cheats
Surfing Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu Cheats
Pokemon Snap Locations
Snap Walkthru
Pokemon Puzzle League
Virtual Pikachu
MOVIE-Pikachu and Pichu
Yellow GameShark Codes
Pokemon Crystal
Red/Blue and Yellow Walthru Part 1
Red/Blue or Yellow Walkthru Part 2
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 1
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 2
Red And Blue GameShark Codes
MOVIE-Celebi: A Timeless Encounter
Gold/Silver GameShark Codes
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 3
Pinball GameShark Codes
MOVIE- Pikachu's Hide And Seek
1st MOVIE- Mewtwo Strikes Back
1st MOVIE-Pikachu's Summer Vacation
MOVIE-Revelation Lugia
MOVIE-Pikachu Tankenta
Pokemon Snap Locations

Pokemon Locations:

No# Pokemon: Level:
001 - Bulbasaur River Cave
004 - Charmander Volcano
005 - Charmeleon Volcano
006 - Charizard Volcano
007 - Squirtle Valley
011 - Metapod River
012 - Butterfree Beach
014 - Kakuna Tunnel
016 - Pidgey Beach
025 - Pikachu Beach Tunnel River Cave
027 - Sandshrew Valley
028 - Sandslash Valley
037 - Vulpix Volcano
039 - Jigglypuff Cave
041 - Zubat Tunnel Cave
045 - Vilplume River
050 - Diglett Tunnel
051 - Dugtrio Tunnel
052 - Meowth Beach
054 - Psyduck River
056 - Mankey Valley
058 - Growlithe Volcano
059 - Arcanine Volcano
060 - Poliwag River
070 - Weepinbell Cave
071 - Victreebel Cave
074 - Geodude Valley
075 - Graveler Valley
078 - Rapidash Volcano
079 - Slowpoke River
080 - Slowbro River
081 - Magnemite Tunnel
082 - Magneton Tunnel
084 - Doduo Beach
088 - Grimer Cave
089 - Muk Cave
090 - Shellder River
091 - Cloyster River
093 - Haunter Tunnel
101 - Electrode Tunnel
109 - Koffing Cave
113 - Chansey Beach
115 - Kangaskhan Beach
118 - Goldeen Valley
120 - Staryu Valley
121 - Starmie Valley
123 - Scyther Beach
124 - Jynx Cave
125 - Electabuzz Tunnel
126 - Magmar Volcano
129 - Magikarp Beach Tunnel Volcano River Cave Valley
130 - Gyarados Valley
131 - Lapras Beach
132 - Ditto Cave
133 - Eevee Beach
137 - Porygon River
143 - Snorlax Beach
144 - Articuno Cave
145 - Zapdos Tunnel
146 - Moltres Volcano
147 - Dratini Valley
149 - Dragonite Valley
151 - Mew Rainbow Cloud