
MOVIE-Lord Of The Unknown Tower
Pokemon Stadium Cheats
Surfing Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu Cheats
Pokemon Snap Locations
Snap Walkthru
Pokemon Puzzle League
Virtual Pikachu
MOVIE-Pikachu and Pichu
Yellow GameShark Codes
Pokemon Crystal
Red/Blue and Yellow Walthru Part 1
Red/Blue or Yellow Walkthru Part 2
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 1
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 2
Red And Blue GameShark Codes
MOVIE-Celebi: A Timeless Encounter
Gold/Silver GameShark Codes
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 3
Pinball GameShark Codes
MOVIE- Pikachu's Hide And Seek
1st MOVIE- Mewtwo Strikes Back
1st MOVIE-Pikachu's Summer Vacation
MOVIE-Revelation Lugia
MOVIE-Pikachu Tankenta
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 2


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Ecruteak City again:
Next head back to Ecruteak City, the one with the Ghost gym leader. Before entering the city, Sunny will be walking amongst 3 Apricorn Trees on the right side of Route 37 on Sunday. Talk to Sunny and he will give you Magnet which increases the power of Electric attacks. Then exit east from the city using the Route Gate and you'll come across Mt. Mortar on Route 42.
Deep inside Mt. Mortar is a trainer that will give you Tyrogue if you beat him. Make sure you only bring 5 Pokémon with you or he will not give it to you. You also need Waterfall to be able to get to him. You can easily get past the mountain if you have trouble by surfing in the water outside the Mountain. Deep inside Mt. Mortar there is a item ball containing Dragon Scale. You should be able to get it by following the way to get to Tyrogue. It's at the very top of the map. Also inside near where the Dragon Scale is, you'll find TM 40, Defense Curl. There are a group of three plants that give you Apricorns right outside the middle entrance of Mt. Mortar. You need a Pokemon with Cut with you to get to them. The one on the left gives you a Pink Apricorn, the middle a Green Apricorn, and the right a Yellow Apricorn. Now head East, and you'll come right to Mahogany Town.
Mahogany Town: There's a winding path off to the left of the lake with a lot of bushes that require Cut to get passed. There's a hut at the very top and for your trouble the man inside will give you TM 10, Hidden Power. Also up near the house where you get TM 10 will be Wesley on Wednesday. Talk to him to get Blackbelt.
Red Gyarados:
The Mahogany Town Gym is being blocked by a Team Rocket member so you'll have to find something else to do first. Head north battling trainers and new Pokémon until you reach a lake with a level 30 Red Gyarados in it. Surf out to the middle and fight it. There's only one, so you better catch it! After capturing/defeating it, you'll get a Red Scale. You can trade this scale for an Exp.Share from Mr.Pokémon.
After catching the Red Gyarados you'll see Lance standing by a sign. Talk to him and he will tell you he needs help, Mahogany Town has a secret Rocket Hideout that is broadcasting strange radio signals making the Magikarp in the lake evolve into Gyarados. Answer yes and he'll fly off. Head back to Mahogany Town. On your way back you can go through a gate house with a Red roof. Watch out! There's Rockets inside. They'll steal your money, so hop over the ledges to get back. However, later when you get rid of Team Rocket, come back to get TM36 from the guy inside.
Mahogany Town Store:
If you head to the middle of the town where a guy is selling things, you'll find Lance inside bashing someone with Dragonite. He'll show you the secret door to Team Rocket's Hideout. Make sure your Pokémon are strong, a lot of Team Rocket members will fight you in here. This map looks peaceful, right? WRONG. Every time you pass one of the Statues, 2 Rocket Grunts will come and fight you. They say that there's a camera in the Statues, and the only way to turn them off is to hit the switch. The switch is on that computer which you can get to after defeating the Scientist in the center. Lance will heal your Pokémon when you talk to him on the 2nd level. He'll go ahead of you. Beat the 2 rocket members and go down the stairs. Lance will talk to you again. He says that to unlock the doors on this level you need to get 2 passwords from the Rocket members. The two members that have the passwords are on this level. The first one is the girl Rocket, facing the computer. Talk to her after you battle her and she'll give you her password. The other is the Rocket near the 2 Pokéballs. After battling him talk to him and he'll give you his password. Follow the stairs until you get to the locked door. Your Rival will come to talk to you but he won't battle. Unlock the door and fight the Rocket Executive. After he leaves, talk to the Murkrow and it'll give you the final password, "Hail Giovanni." Then head back to the 2nd Floor and unlock the 2nd locked door.
The Radio Signal:
After unlocking the door, 2 Rocket Executives will come and gang up on you. Luckily Lance comes and battles one of them, while you battle the other. After that is over, Lance tells you that the radio signal needs to be stopped. Since there is no switch, you must battle the Electrode and either catch them, or make them faint. After defeating the Electrode, Lance will thank you and give you HM06, Whirlpool. Whirlpool lets you get passed rough waters.
Mahogany Town Gym:
Pryce uses Ice Pokémon. If you picked up a Magmar from earlier, he'd be useful right around now. If not, an electric attack will take care of Seel and Dewgong.
After beating Pryce, you'll get the Glacier Badge. This badge will raise your Pokémon's Special and it'll let you use Whirlpool outside of battles. He'll also give you TM16, Icy Wind. Before heading on, you'll have to backtrack. Professor Elm calls you to tell you Goldenrod City's Radio broadcasts seemed to be talking a lot about Team Rocket. He wants you to head to Goldenrod to check things out. Head back to Goldenrod (Kogane) City for more Rocket fun.
:Radio Tower
The other floors of the Radio Tower that were not accessible before, now are. Unfortunately these floors are infested by Rocket. The first part of this chore is easy enough. Just fight all the Rocket's and make it up to the top. You'll see a locked door on the third floor, but this will be opened later. Beat the Rocket Executive on the top floor who was impersonating as the Director. He'll give you a key that will unlock the blue door to the Underground Warehouse, which you can reach by going into the Underground Tunnel.
Hey look, your Rival was following you and now wants to fight. Sneasel is one of those new Dark type Pokémon.Psychic attacks have no effect.
Next you will have to press switches to open doors and remove walls. To get to the Female Rocket leader you must push the switches in this order: the Left switch (#3), then Middle (#2), then the Right one (#1).
The Director:
You'll encounter more Rocket Grunts until you finally encounter the Director of the Radio Station. He'll give you a Card Key that'll unlock the 3rd Floor shutter that was locked before in the Radio Station. Go back to the Radio Station and unlock the door. Beat the rest of the Rockets including the male and female Rocket Executives.
Rainbow or Silver Wing:
After defeating the Rocket Executives, the Director will come and thank you. He'll also give you a special Wing (Silver version: Silver Wing, Gold Version: Rainbow Wing). These wings will let you get Ho-oh (Rainbow Wing - Gold) and Lugia (Silver Wing - Silver).
Before exiting the Radio Tower, go around and talk with the people pictured. They will give you something for saving the Radio Tower.
Don't forget to stop by this house in Goldenrod City to get your own complimentary Eevee from Bill. Have a slot open for it though or you won't be able to get it. Next head back to Mahogany Town and enter the Ice Pass.
Ice Pass:
The Ice Path shouldn't be too hard to get through. If you are stuck, the Map has red arrows that'll tell you where you need to go. You'll find some new Pokémon in here, a small mammoth like thing called Swinub. There's also a shy bird called Delibird in the Silver version. You can find the last HM, HM07 in the Ice Path. This HM lets you ride up waterfalls.
Blackthorn City:
There is a guy in Blackthorn City that will erase TM's or HM's from your Pokémon. Just talk to him and he will ask which move you want deleted. This is very useful since the HM's in this game are used more regularly. So having all the required Pokémon at the same time with these moves and having your normal fighting Pokémon is hard to do. So eventually you'll give in and teach one of your good Pokémon an HM. But don't worry you can delete it later. Hey it's Santos. Santos will give you Spell Tag after talking to him. Spell Tag will increase the power of Ghost attacks.
Blackthorn City Gym:
If you can't get into this gym because of a guy blocking it, you have forgotten to beat something earlier in the game, most likely you have not been following this Walkthru. Before battling Clair there will be a small puzzle where you have to push 3 Rocks into holes to make paths over the molten lava below. Not to mention trainers to fight. But eventually you'll make it to Clair. Her Dragon Pokémon can be taken out with Ice attacks.
After defeating Clair, you won't get a badge. First you must surf behind the gym and enter a cave called the Dragon's Den and get an item called the Dragon Fang.
Dragon's Den:
Inside you must surf around. You may encounter a Dratini every once and awhile. You'll have to get passed a whirlpool, so bring along your Pokémon that has HM06 equipped. Once you find the lone Pokéball and pick it up, Clair will come along and give you the Rising Badge. Now all Pokémon will obey you and you'll be able to use Waterfall outside of battle. She'll also give you TM24, Dragonbreath. Once you exit the Dragon's Den, Professor Elm will tell you he's got something for you. So go back to New Bark Town and talk to him.
New Bark Town again??:
When you get back in New Bark Town after beating all 8 Gym Leaders in Johto, talk to Elm and he will give you the Master Ball.
Ho-Oh: (Gold)
Ho-Oh is really easy to find compared to Lugia. Go back to Ecruteak City and go into the northern house. Go in all the stairs and you'll eventually come to a large tower. Go inside Tin Tower, and go to the top after the winding mazes and teleport pads and you'll find Ho-oh. You better save your game before fighting Ho-oh, because like Mewtwo, there is only one. Try getting Ho-oh down to as little HP as possible, and put it to sleep. Ultra Balls should do the trick.
Lugia: (Silver)
swimming Lugia can be found in Whirl Islands, south of Olivine City. You'll need a Pokémon with Surf, one with Whirlpool, and one with Flash to get to Lugia.
Go to Olivine (Asagi) City and surf south trying to stay as far to the right as you can. There is 4 entrances to the cave where Lugia is so if you follow the wall the first one you come to is the one you need to enter. Once inside go to the right and choose the top path when it comes to a fork. Now you'll make your way to a waterfall, go down it, then surf up and you should find Lugia swimming in the water. Lugia is also level 40 and will give you 1257 experience points if you beat him. But DON'T. Again, low HP, asleep, and Ultra Balls should do the trick.
The Road to The Johto Pokémon League:
Now head back to New Bark Town and get ready to advance to the Pokémon League.
But first make sure you have a Pokémon with Surf and Waterfall. And heal all your Pokémon in Elm's Lab. Next it's time to surf east from New Bark Town.
After surfing to the right of Wakaba Town, talk to the fat guy when you reach dry land. He'll give you a new map card expansion that has the map of the original Pokémon World from Red, Blue, & Yellow (Kanto). Next you'll enter a cave that has a waterfall. Surf up it and then down the other side to get out of the cave. Once you exit the cave you'll find a house. Inside an old lady will give you TM 37, Sandstorm, for talking to her. On Route 27, you can Surf off the bridge to find this TM. Make sure you bring a Pokémon with Whirlpool along to get it though because there is a whirlpool blocking the path to get to it. Next you'll surf east some more and encounter more trainers when you reach land. There's new Pokémon to catch and trainers to fight. Before heading onwards, there is a house with a woman who will heal all your Pokémon for you. Head north and you'll eventually reach Victory Road.
Victory Road:
Eventually you'll make it to the other half of Victory Road. This half is much more easier because there are no trainers and no puzzles. But there are a lot of Pokémon in there that will give you grief if your Pokémon are not leveled high enough. Graveler, Onix, Rhyhorn, Golbat, and Ursaring (Gold) or Dohphan (Silver) are what you will find in here. Strangely enough, when I was playing and leveling up my Pokémon before I battled the Elite Four, I ran into a shining silver Rhyhorn. It, like all Shiny Pokémon, has a constant DV of 10 for every stat (except for HP which has a DV of 0), making its total stats be somewhat higher than regular Pokémon. Whenever it goes into battle it sparkles like the Red Gyarados, and as you can see in its stats, it has 3 stars next to it's gender like the Red Gyarados. Inside Victory Road you can find TM 26, Earthquake. Right near the exit, head to the left and fall down the hole you find to get to it.
The Pokémon in Victory Road are perfect for leveling up your Pokémon before the Elite Four. The Graveler give you experience points in the 600's, Onix in the 500's, Rhyhorn in the 600's, Golbat in the 700's, and Ursaring/Donphan in the 800's.
The best place to do this is at the end of Victory Road where the exit is because you can go up to Indigo Plateau to heal your Pokémon. But before you reach the end your Rival will battle you one more time. Now when your Pokémon are about level 50 or so I think it is a good time to take on the Elite Four at the Indigo Plateau.
Indigo Plateau:
Just like in Red, Blue, and Yellow, you will fight the Elite Four and Pokémon League Champion one after another with chances to heal your Pokémon in between.
So I suggest before you go up the stairs to the first battle, buy plenty of healing items and Revives, because you might need them, and they definitely come in handy.
Will is your first match. He is a Psychic Trainer and uses a new Pokémon called Xatu. It is a Psychic Bird that evolved from Natu. Electric attacks should do the trick on everything except for Exeggutor. A fire Pokémon can take out Exeggutor easily.
Pokémon: Xatu lv40, Jynx lv41, Exeggutor lv41, Slowbro lv41, Xatu lv42.
Koga has moved from being a Gym Leader to an Elite Four member. He still uses Poison type Pokémon. If you have a Kadabra or a Pokémon with Psychic, it can easily wipe out all of Koga's Pokémon.
Pokémon: Ariados lv40, Venomoth lv41, Forretress lv43, Muk lv42, Crobat lv44.
Bruno is back and he's using his favorite Pokémon types: Fighting and Rock.
Hitmontop is a Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan Mixture. It's the one where it spins on its head with three feet in the air. You should have a strong water Pokémon that can take out all of Bruno's Pokémon. If not, a psychic like Kadabra can do.
Pokémon: Hitmontop lv42, Onix lv43, Hitmonchan lv42, Hitmonlee lv42, Machamp lv46.
Karen likes to use a variety of Pokémon, but mostly Dark ones.
Umbreon is the Eevee evolution that you can get if you level up Eevee at night (Espeon, the Psychic one, by leveling up Eevee during the day.) Use a powerful attack to knock out Umbreon.
Pokémon: Umbreon 42, Vileplume 42, Murkrow 44, Gengar 45, Houndoom 47,
Lance - The Champion:
Looks like Lance beat you to being the Pokémon League Master. Like in Red, Blue, and Yellow, Lance likes to use his Dragon type Pokémon. Lance uses basically the same lineup as in Red, Blue, and Yellow, except for the fact that he has 2 Dragonites in place of his 2 Dragonairs.
Pokémon: Gyarados lv44, Dragonite lv47, Dragonite lv47, Aerodactyl lv46, Charizard lv46, Dragonite lv50.
The End:
Congratulations you have become the Pokémon League Champion. Professor Oak and an interviewer named Mary will come and congratulate you. Lance will save you from the interview, and will take you to the back room where he'll enter you and your Pokemon team into the Hall of Fame. Then you will watch the credits and see "The End."
However, this is not THE END!!! There is more to do.
Kanto, The Old World:
Here's what's next. Go talk to Professor Elm in New Bark Town and get the S.S. Aqua Ticket. Then head to Olivine City and enter the S.S. Aqua through the passage that was previously blocked by a guy.
S.S. Aqua:
Now that you're on the S.S. Aqua you can go around battling the gym trainers aboard. To get off you first have to find a man's granddaughter who is with the captain of the ship. To get there you must find a lazy Sailor who is in the room next to yours. Battle him so you can get past another Sailor blocking your way later in the ship. Find the girl, and you'll be sent back to the Grandpa's cabin. He'll give you Metal Coat for your troubles. Metal Coat increases the strength of Steel attacks. If you decide to go back onto the SS Aqua for a second time you must go to your room and sleep in your bed if you ever want to get off the boat again.
Vermilion City Gym:
You won't have to do Surge's stupid little trash can secret switch puzzle to get to him. You'll have to fight a couple guys though, but you should do it anyways to gain more experience. Lt. Surge's Pokémon shouldn't be too tough. Especially if you have a Ground Pokémon like Graveler or Sandslash. Dig or another Ground type move should render his Pokémon helpless. After you beat Surge, he'll give you his Thunder Badge which will increase your Pokémon's Speed.
Saffron City:
Once in Saffron, there is a man named Mr. Psychic. Talk to him and he'll give you the Psychic TM. Right next to the Saffron City Gym is the Dojo. The only thing interesting in here is the Pokéball containing Focus Band. The Focus Band may prevent fainting.
Saffron City Gym:
The Saffron City Gym still has that teleporter puzzle that you must get through. Keep going to the right or left and you'll eventually get to Sabrina after battling a couple Psychic Trainers along the way. Sabrina's Psychic Pokémon are not too difficult to beat. If you have a strong Electric Pokémon a couple strong Electric attacks to take out her Pokémon. Strangely enough, Sabrina has a female Mr. Mime in her lineup. Apparently the English translation to "Mr. Mime" wasn't a good idea because its Japanese name does not have to deal with a gender. After you beat Sabrina grab her Marsh Badge and teleport your way out of there.
Next you'll have to head to the Power Plant.
Power Plant:
Head East out of Cerulean City fighting trainers and wild Pokémon until you reach the end of Route 9 where you can surf to the Power Plant. Go inside the Power Plant and talk to all of the people in there. The large man is really upset. Once you try to exit, the Guard will say that some shady character in Cerulean has been spotted and asks for your help. Now go back to Cerulean City.
Cerulean City:
Once in Cerulean, go inside Misty's Gym. The Rocket member who stole the Machine Part will bump into you and exit as fast as he can. Go to the part pictured and you'll find the missing Machine Part. Now go back to the Power Plant and give the guy the missing Machine Part. He'll thank you and give you TM 07, Zap Cannon. Now head back to Cerulean City again... or first you can do the following.
Magnet Train:
Now that the Power Plant is giving power to the Magnet Train, you can get a ticket for the Train which will transfer you between the two worlds a lot faster than any other way.
First, head back to Saffron City and talk with the Mimic Girl. She'll tell you she lost one of her Poké Dolls. Then head to Vermilion City to the house where you get the bike voucher in the previous versions. Talk to the man above the Doll inside. He'll give you the Poké Doll that you'll give to the Copycat Girl back in Saffron. Now go back to Saffron, and give her the doll. She'll give you a Pass to the Magnet Train that will let you ride on it anytime you want. The Train terminals are in Goldenrod City next to the Radio Tower, and in Saffron City next to the gyms.
Now go to PT3 of the Gold/Silver Walkthru.

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