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Yellow GameShark Codes
Pokemon Crystal
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Red/Blue or Yellow Walkthru Part 2
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Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 2
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Gold/Silver GameShark Codes
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Pokemon Crystal

Click Here to Download Pokemon Crystal

Features/What's New:

-Capture Pokemon #251, Celebi.
-Choose to play as a boy or girl Pokemon trainer.
-Trade Pokémon through a real cell phone.
-Play on Pokémon Stadium Gold, Silver & Crystal (Japanese)
-It will be a Game Boy Color game only.
-It will be able to support the Game Boy Printer, Game Link Cable, Infrared Port, Transfer Pack, and Mobile Adapter.

Pokemon Crystal is an upgraded version of Gold & Silver, although there won't be any new Pokémon because that would mess up the ability to play Crystal on Pokémon Stadium. What is new however is players will have the choice of playing as a male or a female character. Many female players will definitely like this addition that has been neglected to be put in any of the Pokemon games. In addition to the new trainer, there have been a lot of graphical improvements, and it does add a little more improvement to an already great game. When you go into a battle, the opposing Pokemon will animate when it appears.
Since the addition of these animations, you can expect to see Crystal as a Game Boy Color game only. Also improved are the towns and houses. They look a lot better since Nintendo made this a Color only game.