he movie begins in a forest (Ilex)with Celebi flying away from something, it appears to be a Houndoom running after it. After a few attacks from the Houndoom, a Scyther joins in the game. This time a successful attack but Celebi easily blocks the blow with its barrier. Houndoom uses it's Flame Thrower and Celebi instinctively uses its barrier again. But the force is too strong for Celebi to hold back and falls to a field of grass. A man comes up to it, saying to Celebi he's a hunter and picks out a device, which he throws at Celebi. Celebi dodges and flies away, Scyther and Houndoom after it. Yukinari walks towards a huge fallen log with a tunnel through it. A woman is calling to him. It seems to be Yukinari's mom or sister (I'm not sure WHICH) and gives him a bread wrapped in a leaf. Yukinari gives his regards and goes in the tunnel. Later, Yukinari is drawing a picture of three Bellossoms but something scares them off, along with some other Pokemon. Yukinari sees Celebi, then Houndoom and Scyther, and then the hunter. Yukinari runs after them and finds Houndoom and Scyther, Scyther pinning Celebi down with it's arms. Yukinari yells and tries to get to Celebi, but the Houndoom shoots a flame at him, in which Yukinari dodges. Celebi cries out and vines tangle up the two other Pokémon and Yukinari goes over to help Celebi. The hunter catches up and tells Yukinari to hand over the Celebi. Yukinari however just runs for it and stops at a shrine-looking podium. Celebi cries out again and the whole forest starts to wave about, glowing blue. Yukinari wonders what's going on and a bright light engulfs them, when the light goes away, all that's left is Yukinari's sketch book. (Intro... says it's a Pocket Monster Movie and then leaves fly by ending with a single water drop going off a leaf splashing in some water, the wave effect is used as the letter background for the word Serebii) 40 Years later... Brock and Misty are in a port town, waiting for Ash, who is late for a boat ride. Brock sends Crobat to find Ash. Ash is, however, in a square area of the town about to fight another trainer. The trainer shows off his Croconaw and Ash uses Pikachu. The battle goes on for a while Pikachu ending shocking both the Croconaw and its trainer. Ash goes over to the trainer but Crobat comes and tells Ash to go to the boat. Ash goes over to the pier as fast as he can. Brock sees his Crobat and then Ash and him and Misty get on the boat. Ash is gets there, but is blocked by a cargo car. (the ones you see in the airport) When the car goes by, Ash notices the boat has started to go. He runs to a pier and attempts to jump to the boat. Brock tries to catch him, but misses, however another person catches Ash. They do the introductions, the person being Towa, a somewhat built tourist guide of the forest that's nearby. Meanwhile, Bisashu pushes around the hunter from 40 years ago, asking about Celebi. Fed up with the answer, Bisashu goes outside to the hunter's collection of Pokemon. Noticing a Tyranitar, Bisashu tells his Sneasel to open the cage. Bisashu gets out a Pokeball, but it's no ordinary Pokeball, it's a Dark Ball. He tosses it at the Tyranitar, causing it to become black energy instead of red. The ball emits small purplish lightning and Bisashu throws it. The Tyranitar is somewhat different now, more evil... Bisashu orders it to destroy the hunter's home and it does without questions. During the boat ride Ash notices Suicune, so does Pikachu and he says that he saw it, but the Suicune runs away as soon as everyone sees it. When they get to the destination, Ash calls Oak to tell him about Suicune, obviously, Oak doesn't believe it. (Tracey is in the background) Afterwards, Ash's Muk stirs up some trouble and then hangs up. Towa gives them offers them a tour and Ash agrees. Jesse, James, and Meowth are observing them in a hang-glider pedaled-propelled thing, but Jesse stops pedaling and sends them off to the ground. They come by a waterfall, he simply sets up a two balloons that's by the sides of boat. The boat/balloon makes it's way to a treetop village and lands there. Ash and co. finds the same huge fallen log with the tunnel and tries to go in, when an old woman warns him of something. A young woman goes up to them, Brock immediately trying to flirt with her. Her name is Miku and she is the daughter of Maki, the old woman. Miku has a striking resemblance to Maki. Miku just says about what happened a long time ago |
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The forest waves around and glows blue, Pikachu knowing what it is and starts running, Ash and co. running after him. They get to the shrine and see the light, Yukinari and Celebi appearing there. Celebi flees off behind the shrine before Ash and co. figures out it was there in the first place. Ash tries to get Yukinari up but he won't. Ash decides to carry him back to the village. When they get back, Yukinari wakes up, however his first impulse is Celebi. He intentionally pushes Ash around but Yukinari comes to his senses and asks what happened. Miku comes out and her mom. Maki immediately knows it's Yukinari but Yukinari doesn't know it's Maki. They go to Maki's house and Maki presents Yukinari's sketchbook. Yukinari is amazed and flips through it. Although he wonders about Celebi. Pikachu again sensing something, goes out and back behind the tunnel, Ash and Yukinari following. They come up to several fallen logs with a vine coming down. Ash and Yukinari climb it and find out a lot of Pokemon has gathered up near a hole. Ash goes up to it and finds Celebi, although he's not as stunned as he saw the other legendaries. He tries to pet Celebi but Celebi on impulse uses a psychic attack on Ash, blowing him, Yukinari, and the Pokemon nearly off the log. Ash, angry, quickly scampers up the log to Celebi and scolds at it, Celebi uses it's "Vine whip" on Ash and Yukinari. Yukinari is telling Ash not to be so harsh to it. Ash tries to talk to it again, both fending themselves from the vines. After a few nice comments, Ash again tries to pet the Celebi, this time Celebi trusting Ash. Ash and Yukinari return to Maki's treehome and Mika tells them there's a lake that can help the Celebi since the water is pure. Ash and co. and Yukinari go on to find this lake. they encounter the three from Team Rocket, in turn they say their motto. Wobbuffet happens to pop out in the end and breaks the branch they were on. Ash and co. uses this to escape. Bisashu isn't gonna give up on Celebi, he goes through the forest in a four spider-legged mech (as you will) to hunt it down. While searching for the lake, Ash just happens to run into Bisashu. Bisashu demands Celebi or... face utter destruction. Of course, everyone says no and Bisahsu releases his newly stolen Tyranitar. Bisashu orders it to attack and the Tyranitar starts using it's Hyperbeam to go on a rampage against Ash and them. Jesse and James see Bisashu's mech and decides to attack it themselves. James releases his Weezing to use Smoke Screen. However they realize it's really Bisashu and they start doing the "I'm not worthy" bow. Along the way, Misty's knee is hurt and collapses on her knees. However this delay allows Bisashu's Sneasel and Scizor to catch up. Ash and Yukinari prepare for the battle. Yukinari gets out a old technological Pokeball. He turns a valve on it and opens it up, a Charmeleon comes out. Ash just simply throws his Pokeball containing Bayleef, leaving Yukinari somewhat surprised. Bayleef goes after the Scizor. Bayleef uses Razor Leaf but the Scizor counters with Double Team and a slam to Bayleef. Bayleef tries again but again, Bayleef gets countered. Yukinari tells Ash his Bayleef should focus on where it is. Ash tells Bayleef that and the Bayleef settles to figure it out. Figuring the location, Bayleaf gives it Razor Leaf and the Scizor and it goes down in one blow. The Charmeleon however is having no problem with the Sneasel. It finishes it off with a quick slam to a rock. And i can't Spoil the rest.....