
MOVIE-Lord Of The Unknown Tower
Pokemon Stadium Cheats
Surfing Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu Cheats
Pokemon Snap Locations
Snap Walkthru
Pokemon Puzzle League
Virtual Pikachu
MOVIE-Pikachu and Pichu
Yellow GameShark Codes
Pokemon Crystal
Red/Blue and Yellow Walthru Part 1
Red/Blue or Yellow Walkthru Part 2
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 1
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 2
Red And Blue GameShark Codes
MOVIE-Celebi: A Timeless Encounter
Gold/Silver GameShark Codes
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 3
Pinball GameShark Codes
MOVIE- Pikachu's Hide And Seek
1st MOVIE- Mewtwo Strikes Back
1st MOVIE-Pikachu's Summer Vacation
MOVIE-Revelation Lugia
MOVIE-Pikachu Tankenta
Red/Blue or Yellow Walkthru Part 2

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Silph Co. is composed of 11 floors of teleportastic fun, including 28 trainers and a ton of items. The Card Key is on the 5th floor at the bottom of the screen. There is a Rocket Member guarding the entrance to that hallway and a teleporter in the way. So, to get into the hallway you must go into blocking teleporter, then teleport back (so that you're standing on the teleporter). Then go down 1, fight the Team Rocket Member if you have not done so already, and go to the right to get the key after the fight. With it you can open every door in the building. On the 11th floor you'll find that you can't reach the president of Silph Co. and must somehow warp there. The correct warp pad is on the 3rd floor past the 1st door to the left (Right in the middle of the floor). After rematerializing you'll see that a familiar face is waiting for you. Another annoying battle (not to mention conversation) is about to begin, only now he has some pretty wicked Pokémon. Make sure you get all of the items and fight all of the Rocket members, the battle with Sabrina later will be easier.
Another hop, skip, and warp away and you'll once again run into Giovanni who still remains a pushover when it comes to water-type Pokémon.
The president will be so grateful for our help, he'll give you a Master Ball which is guaranteed to catch any Pokémon on the 1st try! (P.S. Don't waste it on any of the legendary birds, wait for Mewtwo.)
Saffron City:
Things To Get: TM 31
TM 46
Marsh Badge
After that ordeal, the Rockets will have called for a tactical retreat thereby freeing the town and allowing you entrance to 3 new buildings including the local gym! The top-left house has a girl inside who will give you a TM31 for a Poké Doll from the Celadon Dept. Store. The other building isn't anything special so head to the gym after healing your Pokémon. Once in the gym, be sure to try and fight all of Sabrina's psychics. Be ready for some more teleport pads since they're the only way to get around in the gym. Just keep experimenting until you get to Sabrina. She'll field some pretty nasty psychic-type Pokémon, but your Pokémon should be able to handle the punishment. Any Pokémon with sleep attacks really helps here. Upon winning, you'll receive a TM46 and the Marsh Badge which lets you use the Strength ability and makes all Pokémon up to level 70 obey without question. Now you're ready to head to Fuchsia City, traveling along Route 12 now accessible by the Pokéflute. Route 12 is crowded with 7 fishermen eager to test their newly captured water-type Pokémon out on you.
On your way you'll find Iron and a TM 16, but you won't be able to get the TM until you can Surf. Eventually you'll run into Snorlax, be sure to catch him or else he'll run away for good (there are only 2 in the game). Next you'll find a house with a fishing guru inside. He'll give you his Super Rod! Get ready to drown some worms, we're going fishing!! During the course of the game, you'll be able to catch almost every type of water Pokémon with this rod. Be sure to fish often and everywhere and you'll eventually catch all that you need to finish with all 150 Pokémon. Round the corner and you'll turn into Route 13. Route 13 has 14 trainers and new Pokémon are to be found. There's a hidden Calcium to be found amongst this maze of roads. The trainers can give your Pokémon good experience, or may cause more of annoyance. Routes 14 and 15 are right around the corner. The entrance to Fuchsia has one of Oak's aides who will reward you with and Exp. All if you have 50 Pokémon. Fuchsia is a very active town which should be fully explored so take your time. Routes 14 & 15 have a total of 16 trainers. They are spread out so if you are low on healthy Pokémon you can bypass them all if you go the right way. But you should always level up your Pokémon with Trainers because they'll give you more Exp (and money!) than wild Pokémon. The lookout station between Route 15 and Fuchsia City has another one of Professor Oak's Aides in it. He'll reward you with an Exp. All if you have over 50 Pokémon. Exp. All divides up Experience points to all your Pokémon after a battle even if they didn't do anything. Next, on to Fuchsia City, home of the Safari Zone, and Koga the local Gym Leader.
Fuchsia City:
Another fishing guru lives in the bottom-right house who will give you the Good Rod. With this rod you can catch Goldeen and Poliwag. After defeating him, talk with the person to your left and they'll give you a Lapras for saving them. The local gym leader, Koga, is a push-over. Psychic type attacks will leave him powerless in Red & Blue. Fire type attacks should get rid of his flying pests in Yellow. Koga will give you TM 06 and the Soul Badge which will let you Surf and increase your Pokémons' defensive power. Next, explore the wonders of the Safari Zone. After the Safari Zone, Head to the Power Plant.
Power Plant:
Perhaps you may not remember that stream running down Route 9? Well, now you can Surf down it to the Power Plant. Be sure to collect all of the items inside, some of them turn out to be Voltorb's evolved form Electrode! You'll encounter Zapdos when you reach the end of the Power Plant. Make sure you have plenty of Great and Ultra balls when you are ready to fight him. Most of all, be sure to save your game before fighting incase you accidentally kill him in the process. Remember, you only have one chance to catch any of the legendary birds, and don't use the Masterball on them! After this, you should head down Route 19 towards the Seafoam Islands. Route 19 has many water Pokémon Trainers swimming around waiting for a good match with you. Remember not to tire out your Pokémon fighting these trainers because once you get into Seafoam Island you'll be bombarded by wild Pokémon.
Surfing Pikachu:
Route 19 has a special House on the beach where you can surf with your Pikachu.
Seafoam Island
Don't worry about finding items, there aren't any out in the open. Your main concern is to make sure you push all of the boulders into their perspective holes in order to get through the water without getting swept away by the current. There are 5 rooms in all, and the 2nd legendary bird, Articuno, is in the last room. Once again, use Great or Ultra balls to catch him. To leave, climb up the ladder at the top-right corner in room 2 by falling through the far-right hole in room 3. Route 20 leads to Cinnabar Island and your next badge!
Like all rare Pokemon, you should always save your game before fighting against Articuno. Just in case you are unable to catch it, or accidentally make it faint. You can always turn off your game, turn it back on, and try fighting again. There's more trainers and Tentacool along Route 20, but not to worry, it's very short. Cinnabar is right ahead and there's plenty to do for its size.
Cinnabar Island:
Things To Get: TM 35
The Pokémon lab here is full of surprises. You can trade Pokémon with 3 people. You will also find TM 35, and best of all, transform your fossils into Pokémon!!!
By leaving the fossil with the professor here and coming back a little later, you'll receive Kabuto or Omanyte depending on which Fossil you choose in Mt. Moon. You can also drop off the Old Amber you got from Pewter City's Museum and get Aerodactyl. Since this will take a little time, explore the Fire Mansion next to the local gym. Inside you'll find the Gym Key and new Pokémon.
Pokémon Mansion:
Things To Get: Escape Rope
Max Potion
TM 14
Full Restore
Rare Candy
TM 22
Secret Key
The Pokemon Mansion has a lot of items you can get inside. There are also an abundance of poison and fire Pokemon. Once you're inside the Mansion, you'll discover that Mewtwo was genetically engineered in this same facility.
After getting your Pokémon from the lab, its time to pay a visit to Blaine, the local gym leader. When you enter the gym, you will notice that it is filled with a series of doors, each guarded by trainers. You can either open them by answering Pokémon questions at the computers next to them or by defeating the trainers. I suggest defeating the trainers, otherwise you'll be missing out on a lot of experience points. If not, the questions are down below, highlight the black box on the right to see the answer.
They use fire-type Pokémon, just like their gym leader. Water type Pokémon will put out Blaine's flame easily. After defeating Blaine, you'll receive his Volcano Badge and a TM38. Next, head up Route 21 and walk around in the grassy area at the end, you'll eventually find Tangela (Red & Blue). Route 21 leads back to your hometown of Pallet.
Say hi to Professor Oak and go visit your house and heal all your Pokémon. What an exciting and exhausting journey this has been. You've finally come full circle, but don't pat yourself on the back quite yet. Where's that final badge? Time to get onto the road to Viridian City.
Viridian City - Giovanni:
Remember that empty gym in Viridian? The last Gym Badge is there. Inside you'll find an old and unwelcome face. No, not Gary but that of Team Rocket's leader, Giovanni!!! Water type attacks should render his Rock and Ground Pokémon helpless. You should easily win the Earth Badge and TM 27. After reforming Giovanni's old ways, head back to Route 22 and the entrance to Victory Road! Along your way, Gary will stop you to fight for the last time...or is it? He uses the same Pokémon and will prove to be a tricky opponent. It will not be an easy fight. After winning, head onto Route 23, the entrance to Victory Road!
To progress all the way through Route 23, you must have all of the gym leaders' badges. You must have Pokémon with Surf and Strength abilities to make it through both Route 23 and Victory Road.
Victory Road:
Things To Get: TM 35
Victory Road is the toughest maze in the game to get through. Not only that but there are also strong trainers waiting to fight you and plenty of rock Pokémon to get in your way.
But once you make it through, you're on your way to the Indigo Plateau. Moltres is located on Floor 2 of Victory Road, don't miss it.
Indigo Plateau:
Indigo Plateau has both a PokéCenter and PokéMart inside so regroup, recharge, and restock before heading off to your final challenge. The road to victory leads you through the Elite Four without a break in between fights. You may not backtrack to the PokéCenter when you start fighting them so have healing items handy.
Get your Pokémon ready, it's time to fight the Elite Four!
Elite Four:
Lorelei: likes to use Water and Ice Pokémon. Electric Pokémon will have the advantage. Try using Jolteon or Pikachu (in Yellow).
Bruno: likes Rock and Fighting Pokémon. Water type Pokémon like Blastoise or Gyarados can take out the Onix with one Hydro Pump. A Psychic can take out his Fighting Pokemon, or perhaps try a Haunter with Hypnosis and Dream Eater.
Agatha: likes to use Poison Pokémon. Psychic Pokémon like Kadabra can KO all of her Pokémon with one hit of a Psybeam or Psychic. Electric attacks can also help, especially a Thunder by Jolteon or Pikachu.
Lance: is the Dragon Trainer. His Gyarados and Aerodactyl can be taken out easily with a strong Electric attack. Dragonair can also be tamed with Electric attacks, but again, Haunter with Hypnosis and Dream Eater can really help you finish off the rest of his Dragons. You may want to try an Ice attack since Dragons are weak against them.
Game Over?
You may think the game's over, right? Wrong! Yep, Gary beat you to the punch and now you'll have to open a can of Whoop Ass to Dethrone the Bugger.
Pokemon Master!
Congratulations, you've become a Pokémon Master! But is your adventure truly over? Not until you have all 151 Pokémon it isn't! It's time to go back to Cerulean City and visit the Cerulean Cave.
Cerulean Cave:
Things To Get: Max Elixir x2
Full Restore x2
PP Up x1
Max Revive x3
Ultra Ball x4
Rare Candy x2
The Cerulean Cave must be surfed to from the Nugget Bridge in Cerulean City. It is home to the most powerful and rare Pokémon in the world! There aren't any trainers inside, but there are items and Pokémon to be had.
Use your Master Ball? Mewtwo can still be caught regularly, it'll just take more Effort.
So, you've beaten the game. What do you do know? There's not much else to do. If you collect all 150 Pokémon and then go to the Guy in the Celadon Mansion you'll receive your Diploma! Wow!
So, are you wondering what this does?? Huh? Really? Well guess what.....For your amazing Pokémon catching abilities, your Diploma will enable you to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE IN THE GAME! What, were you expecting another journey or Mew perhaps? Well no. Tough luck.
The world is now your Cloyster! You can always challenge the Elite Four and Gary for experience and money, gamble at the Game Corner in Celadon, fish, evolve your Pokémon, or trade for those last few Pokémon. Good luck and thanx for reading My Walkthru.

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