
MOVIE-Lord Of The Unknown Tower
Pokemon Stadium Cheats
Surfing Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu
Hey You' Pikachu Cheats
Pokemon Snap Locations
Snap Walkthru
Pokemon Puzzle League
Virtual Pikachu
MOVIE-Pikachu and Pichu
Yellow GameShark Codes
Pokemon Crystal
Red/Blue and Yellow Walthru Part 1
Red/Blue or Yellow Walkthru Part 2
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 1
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 2
Red And Blue GameShark Codes
MOVIE-Celebi: A Timeless Encounter
Gold/Silver GameShark Codes
Gold/Silver Walkthru Part 3
Pinball GameShark Codes
MOVIE- Pikachu's Hide And Seek
1st MOVIE- Mewtwo Strikes Back
1st MOVIE-Pikachu's Summer Vacation
MOVIE-Revelation Lugia
MOVIE-Pikachu Tankenta
Red/Blue and Yellow Walthru Part 1

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Pallet Town:
Things To Get: Get Potion
Get Pokémon:Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander or Pikachu.
Get Map
Your Pokémon journey begins inside your bedroom. Before moving on, you should check the computer in your room for a free Potion. Now, head directly to Route 1 and Professor Oak will stop you. After a long speech, he will let you choose 1 of 3 Pokémon, and in Yellow he will catch a Pikachu for you. Gary will then pick the Pokémon that has an advantage over yours in Red & Blue and Eevee in Yellow. Upon trying to leave, Gary will challenge you to your first battle. Don't worry if you lose, just stop by your house and talk with your mom to heal your Pokémon. Now it's time to explore the world of Pokémon, starting with Route 1. You will find that only two Pokémon in the grassy areas along Route 1 are Rattata and Pidgey. You can't catch them yet, but it's a good time to raise your Pokémon's levels by battling them. If you're worried about losing a fight, run away and just make a quick stop back at your house to heal. Be sure to speak with the first person you come to along the route. He'll give you a free potion as an advertisement for Viridian City's PokéMart. After zig-zagging your way past the low hedges, you will find yourself in Viridian City.
Viridian City:
Things To Get:
Oak's Parcel
Viridian isn't very interesting, but it includes a PokéCenter, PokéMart, and Gym (which is unaccessible at this point). If your Pokémon's low on HP, stop by the PokéCenter first. Next head to the PokéMart where the clerk will ask you to deliver a package to Professor Oak. There is no way getting around this so head back to Pallet Town, jumping over the low hedges to save time. After another long speech and a Insulting comment from Gary, you'll receive the Pokédex. Talk to Gary's sister despite his last comment and you'll receive the Town Map. Head back to Viridian and purchase some PokéBalls. Next head left to Route 22 to find and capture some Pokémon as well as raise your Pokémons' levels. Route 22 isn't long, eventually ending at the entrance to Victory Road which is not yet fully accessible. Gary will be here. Gary will tell you that he has already tried going to the Indigo Plateau, and will challenge you to a fight. After defeating him you'll be ready to set out along Route 2. Route 2 also is not completely accessible until you get the CUT ability. Caterpie or Weedle can be found in the grass along the route, but you'll find tons more in Viridian Forest so don't waste time trying to catch them here.
Viridian Forest:
Things To Get:
PokéBallfind new Pokémon as well as some eager trainers waiting for a fight. The trainers use bug-
Potion x3
Viridian Forest will take a while to fully explore with it's maze of trees. Here you will type Pokémon so using fire or flying-type will give you the advantage. You will also find PokéBalls with items inside, be sure to find them all. Even if you don't use them, they can be sold for a small profit at any PokéMart. Be sure to fight every trainer to raise your Pokémons' levels because you'll find your first challenge in Pewter City.
Pewter City:
Things To Get: Boulder Badge
After healing and fixing your items at the PokéMart, you'll need to face the local gym leader Brock. Water, Grass-types, or Butterfree will help out a lot. After defeating Brock, he'll give you his Boulder Badge and a TM34. The badge will not only start you on your way to the Pokémon league championships, but it will boost your Pokémon's power as well as let you use the FLASH ability. After defeating Brock, you may move onto Route 3. Be prepared for a wave of trainers upon entering Route 3. Besides trainers, you may also find Jigglypuff in the grassy areas of Route 3. At the end of the route there is a PokéCenter and the entrance to Mt. Moon. There is a traveling salesman inside the PokéCenter trying to sell Magikarp for $500. You may think this is a ripoff for a useless Magikarp, but if you start leveling it up now you will have a powerful Gyarados on your side. Besides, if you think you can get one later for free, did you forget to include the $200 cost of a PokéBall? Speaking of PokéBalls, double check your supply, and then head through the entrance to Mt. Moon.
Mt. Moon:
Things To Get:
Potion x2
TM 12
Rare Candy
Escape Rope
Moon Stone x3
TM 01
You'll discover when you enter Mt. Moon that it'll take a while to completely explore it. Inside you will find new trainers, Pokémon, and helpful items. The Pokémon include Geodude, Paras, the annoyingly common Zubat, and the Ultra-rare Clefairy. The items found are found both in PokéBalls and secret areas. Besides the normal trainers, Team Rocket will try to stop you from interfering in their search for Pokémon fossils. After defeating their last member, you'll get to choose from the Dome fossil or the Helix fossil. The Dome will later earn you Kabuto and the Helix, Omanyte. You must trade in order to get both logged onto your Pokédex. After this grueling adventure, you'll find yourself on Route 4 heading toward Cerulean City. Route 4 is short, but should be traveled carefully. There is a TM04 that you will miss if you get overly anxious and jump over the hedges into the grassy area. The grass has more Pokémon, Ekans, Sandshrew, or Pidgey depending on what game you own. Now there's no other choice but to head to Cerulean, but be ready for some pretty serious fights.
Cerulean City:
Things To Get: Rare Candy
Cascade Badge
There is a lot to see and do in the city. After healing, it's time to visit the local gym. Any grass or electric-type Pokémon will tackle Misty's water Pokémon. After beating her Pokémon furiously, she'll give you a TM11 and her Cascade Badge. This badge will allow you to use the Cut ability once you have the HM and it also makes Pokémon up to level 30 obey your every command. Once again, heal and get ready for another tense battle along Routes 24 and 25. if you have Yellow Version, then: Pikachu must be really, really happy (train it all the time, give it potions, have it in your first slot) before Melanie will give you Bulbasaur.
Go to Melanie's hut, next to the PokéCenter, and talk to her.
Say you'll take care of Bulbasaur, and it's yours!
As you approach the bridge that begins Route 24, you will have your second/third battle with Gary. After defeating his four Pokémon, you will have to fight 6 trainers guarding the bridge. You may have to visit the PokéCenter several times, but in the end you'll be awarded a Nugget. At the top of Route 24 you'll find a TM45. A trainer and his Charmander will be waiting for you in the upper left hand corner of Route 24.
Charmander is easy to get, just get past the Nugget Bridge in Cerulean City.
Up and to the left is a trainer standing next to a Pokeball.
Respond "Yes" to his question to get Charmander.
The grass along both Routes 24 and 25 contain new Pokémon. These are Abra and Oddish or Bellsprout. There are some more trainers along these routes, one of whom seems to be guarding an item. Approach him from at least 3 paces below so that you can sneak behind and get the item without having to wait and use the Cut ability. Inside the house at the end of Route 25 lives a strange fellow by the name of Bill. Help him become himself again and he'll reward you with a ticket to the S.S. Anne. Leave the house and then return, checking out his computer. You'll be able to add Eevee and its evolutions to your Pokédex. Now head back to Cerulean using the shortcut below Bill's house. The police officer will now have moved out of the doorway of the house above the gym. You will run into a Rocket who stole the man inside the house's Dig TM. After defeating him, the man in the house will let you keep the TM as a sign of appreciation. Head back through the back of his house and begin your travel down Route 5. By leaping over the hedges, you will find grass with new Pokémon inside, Meowth, Mankey, Jigglypuff, or Abra. You'll eventually reach a house which you'll discover is a Pokémon daycare. You can leave a Pokémon there to gain levels, for a fee of course. Careful though, it may learn and lose skills you didn't want, but that's the risk you take. The entrance to Saffron City is closed so you'll have to detour through the Underground Path to Route 6. Route 6 has 6 trainers waiting to fight but you can get by with fighting only 2 if you want. There's a lot of grass but no new Pokémon. Head to Vermilion City since once again the entrance to Saffron is closed. When will those guards get something to drink?!
Vermilion City:
Things To Get: Old Rod
Bike Voucher
Vermilion will keep you busy for a while with all of the running around you must do. The top-left house contains the Old Rod which will enable you to catch Magikarp. Going down, you'll find 2 houses to the left. The 1st has a man willing to trade a Farfetch'd for a Spearow*. The 2nd has a talkative man who in the end gives you a voucher far a free bike from Cerulean! Go get the bike and then travel back in style. Next, head south to the docks where the S.S. Anne is having a party. Make sure you have the ticket Bill gave you and be ready to battle with the best trainers in the world (that's what they think).
Get the Thunderbadge from Lt. Surge in Vermilion City.
Go talk to Jenny in the middle of Vermilion.
Respond "Yes" to her question.
Now you'll have Squirtle.
Don't be fooled by the size of the S.S. Anne, it's a very large ship as you'll soon discover. If you search each room which you should do, you'll find not only trainers but many items as well. Before you can reach the captain's cabin on the 2nd floor, old "Smell ya' later" man shows up tougher than ever. After battling with Gary, the captain will give you the HM01, the CUT ability! Sadly enough, the S.S. Anne has to move on when you exit the ship. So with a few loud but sad blows of it's horn, it sails off. Now it's time to use your first HM! Head back to Vermilion and cut the bush down blocking the gym entrance. Inside, you'll find some of Lt. Surge's trainers are stationed throughout the gym. Remember, they like to use electric-type Pokémon just like their mentor Surge.
To open the gate leading to Surge you must search inside the barrels around the room. There are 2 switches inside them which move randomly each time you find one and not the other. The 2nd switch is always either above, beside, or below the 1st one. This is a very frustrating puzzle so try to be patient, this won't be easy I tell ya.
Defeating Surge is a piece of cake. If you head to Diglett's Cave you can catch a high level Dugtrio with Dig that can obliterate all of Surge's Pokémon before seeing what hit him. Or in the Blue and Yellow versions you could have a Sandshrew leveled up pretty good to take on Surge's Electric Pokémon.
After clobbering Surge he'll give you his Thunder Badge and TM24. This badge allows you to use the Fly ability once you get the correct HM. Diglett's Cave does not have much to do besides fighting Diglett's and the rare Dugtrio. The main entrance is located at the beginning of Route 11. Head inside and go to the other end to go back to Route 2 for some important things. Back in Route 2 if you head south from the exit of Diglett's Cave you'll find 2 Houses. In the first house a guy is trying to trade a Mr. Mime for an Abra (in Red & Blue) or a Clefairy (in Yellow).The next house has one of Professor Oak's Aides in it. If you've collected 10 or more Pokemon he will give you the Flash HM.
After that house you can find a Moon Stone and an HP Up in Pokeballs.
Now it's time to go back to Route 11. Route 11 is mostly grass and Pokémon trainers. There is a new Pokémon in the grass, Drowzee. There are 10 trainers waiting to test your skills as a Pokémon trainer. Fortunately, their skill in very developed so you ought to have no trouble getting through. Above the building is one of Professor Oak's Aide's who (if you have 30 Pokémon) will give you the Item Finder which will locate hidden items. When you exit the building to Route 12 you'll see that a Snorlax is blocking your path so you'll have to head back to Cerulean City. Once there if you go through the Robbed House and then go East instead of going South you'll be on your way to Route 9. You'll find 9 trainers along Route 9. You'll have to fight 3 no matter what, but you should fight them all to level up your Pokémon. At the top of Route 10 you'll notice a gap in the wall letting you fish in the water. Later, with the Surf ability, you'll be able to travel on the water to get to the Power Plant below. You're now ready to enter the Rock Tunnel after making a stop by the PokéCenter and teaching the Flash ability to one of your Pokémon.
Rock Tunnel:
The Rock Tunnel, like Mt. Moon, is huge on the inside. There are no items inside, only new Pokémon and trainers. For some reason you run into more monsters in here, usually averaging a fight every 8-10 steps if not less. Repel or one of it's stronger kin items will help solve this problem, but shouldn't be used until after capturing the new Pokémon. If you haven't used the Flash ability, you'll notice that you can barely see the outlines of walls let alone trainers. There are 15 of them throughout the cave and they can be a challenge after fighting all of those wild Pokémon. Upon exiting the cave, you'll find 4 more trainers and another rock with an item hidden inside. Head south toward Lavender Town when you're ready.
Lavender Town:
Lavender is very small and you'll soon find that there's not much you can do here now. There is something new, though. There's a man willing to let you change some of your Pokémons' names. The tower is haunted by ghost Pokémon who you can't see without a Silph Scope. Inside you'll find items, new Pokémon, trainers, and Gary. At the top of the tower (not accessible until you get the Silph Scope) is a man named Mr. Fuji who will give you a Pokéflute which will awaken sleeping Pokémon in and out of battle. Use it to awaken the Snorlax blocking your way, but make sure you capture them! Head left after getting the items in the tower toward Route 8. Route 8 has 9 trainers and new Pokémon, Growlithe, Vulpix or Kadabra (with Kinesis). You must take the Underground Path since the entrance to Saffron is still closed. Use the Item Finder to find a Nugget inside the path. Not much to do on Route 7. If the Guards are still thirsty it's time to go to Celadon City.
Celadon City:
Things To Get: TM 13
TM 41
TM 48
TM 49
Rainbow Badge
The store in Celadon City is the largest in the game by far. Spanning 6 floors, it's no wonder it has an elevator! They sell your basic PokéMart items, TMs, Evolution Stones, and Ability Increasers (both temporary and permanent). On the 3rd floor you'll get TM18 and a hint as to how to get Graveler to evolve into Golem. The 6th floor has refreshment machines and a very thirsty little girl. Buy all 3 drinks and an extra Fresh Water to give to those thirsty Saffron entrance guards. Give the other refreshments to the thirsty little girl and in return she'll give you a TM13, TM48, and TM49.
The huge mansion to the left of the department store has a secret entrance in the rear. Inside you will find an Eevee. If you go in the front, you will find the game's programmers, one of which will tell you to return after getting all 150 Pokémon.
The house directly under the Game Corner has a man who will give you a Coin Case which will allow you to carry coins and purchase Pokémon and TMs at the prize station by the Game Corner.
The house by the Games Corner is Accessible only by surfing across water. The man in front of it will give you a TM41 for your troubles though. Now head for the Game Corner to battle some Team Rocket Members.
Game Corner:
Things To Get: Escape Rope
Hyper Potion
TM 07
Moon Stone
Super Potion
Rare Candy
TM 10
Lift Key
TM 02
Silph Scope
Inside the Game Corner you can find a total of 250 coins using the Item Finder. Each slot machine has a varying win/loss ratio so be sure to experiment until you get to one you like. At the top of the screen, you'll find a Team Rocket member in front of a poster. Beat him then search the poster to open a secret entrance to the right. There are 4 floors to the Game Corner's Team Rocket hideout. Check all of the rooms to make sure you get all 12 items from the PokéBalls scattered throughout the place. There are 10 rocket members as well as their leader, Giovanni. To open the gates to the elevator, beat the Rocket in the 4th basement and then talk to him afterwards. Before confronting Giovanni you'll have to battle Jessie and James again (Yellow only). Then you can go confront Giovanni and recover the Silph Scope. After leaving the Game Corner, your Pokémon should be strong enough to defeat the local gym leader Erika. She surrounds herself with her understudies, all of which can put up a pretty mean fight. Any fire or bug-type Pokémon should do the trick. She will give you the Rainbow Badge and TM21 after you beat her. Now Pokémon up to level 50 will obey you and you may use the Strength ability once you get the HM. Next head to Lavender Town where you'll now be able to find new ghost Pokémon and get the Pokéflute.
Pokemon Tower:
Things To Get: Escape Rope
X Accuracy
Rare Candy
The new Pokémon in the Pokémon Tower are Gastly, Haunter, and Cubone. The Silph. Scope will allow you to see the Ghost Pokemon this time, and capture them.
On the second floor of the Tower, you'll meat up with your Rival. After beating him, you can make your way to the top battling Channelers. Once you get to the top floor to rescue Mr. Fuji and gain the Pokéflute, you must beat the ghost of Marowak. After that in Red & Blue you'll fight 3 Team Rocket members, while in Yellow you'll battle Jessie and James whose Pokémon are now evolved. I suggest now heading down Route 16 where, using the Cut ability, you'll find the Fly HM. Now go to the bike path (Routes 17 and 18) to pump your Pokémon up for the fight with Sabrina, the gym leader in Saffron as well as another climatic battle with the forces of Team Rocket. 9 Poison Trainers can be found along Route 17. If you're using a Psychic Pokémon they can be obliterated easily. Or this would be a good opportunity to level up more of your Pokémon. Head into the Watchtower in Route 18 to find a guy trying to trade you a Pokémon. In Red & Blue if you trade him a Slowbro he will trade you a Lickitung. In Yellow, if you trade him a Tangela he will give you a Parasect. After exiting the Watchtower there are 3 Trainers in some wild grass below the Watchtower. After gaining some more experience head towards Saffron City.
Saffron City
Many houses in Saffron are guarded by Rocket members, as well as the local gym and they'll only move after you have cleared Silph Co. of it's Rocket infestation.
Your 1st two stops should be the lower right house in the city and the fighting-type Pokémon gym. The house has the Psychic TM, an extremely powerful psychic attack. The Fighting-type Pokemon will give your Pokemon Exp. And 1 of 2 new Pokémon, Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan. Next you should heal and head to Silph Co. for a long and confusing battle.
Silph Co.:
Things To Get:
Item Floor
TM 36 2nd
Hyper Potion 3rd
Full Heal 4th
Max Revive 4th
Escape Rope 4th
Card Key 5th
Protein 5th
TM 09 5th
HP Up 6th
X Accuracy 6th
TM 03 7th
Calcium 7th
Carobs 10th
Rare Candy 10th
TM 26 10th

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